Six People Test the BlackBerry Passport, And They Don't Hate It | Mashable

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The BlackBerry Passport is big, powerful... and very strange.

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Are people getting stupider every day. Like seriously? Its a business phone and its the best out there.  


Why don't you get people to look at this phone who aren't clueless around tech, and who don't just use their phones to text and play candy crush.


You gave the Passport to 6 really dumb people and concluded that they were too dumb to know how to use the phone. Great research Mashable.


"I think it's a bit wide." - she


BlackBerry devices aren't meant to be turned on/off. You only have to turn it on once. The device does not reboot by itself or freeze up. The same technology guaranteeing 100% uptime in nuclear power plants and routers that power the internet is embedded in this device. 


Every time a BlackBerry 10 device boots up anywhere in the world the authenticity of the OS and software is checked. This is necessary so that the device knows how to deal with threats when it is on. The battery life is so good that you will only have to boot it once during its life cycle. Make another video with the same people after they have used the Passport for a week. The reaction to anything new and different is always surprising.


"Let's see what kind of emojis they have."  -That sentence should tell you everything you need to know about that person's opinion. 

"It's not easy to scroll"  -Who ever gave her the phone didn't show her that the keyboard is like one big touch pad that allows you to swipe your finger across  and up and down it to scroll.

The guy who is waiting for it to boot up... did you guys REALLY give it to him and say, "Here, reboot this phone, and let us hear you talk about the boot time while you sit and wait?" I mean, how is that a valid opinion of a device that is classically known for NOT freezing and needing to be rebooted?

Did you teach them ANYTHING about how it works? Did you show them ANY of the features? Did you use any people who still use a Blackberry and aren't totally biased against it, or did you just grab a bunch of people out of the new iPhone line up and pay them 5 bucks to do this? 


Stop putting this phone in the hands of people who sole purpose for owning a phone is to waste time. Youre missing the point over and over again this phone is about efficiency for people who need to get work done on the go. One girl seriously said "let's see what emojis it has.". Put the phone in the hands of people who are too busy running companies or doing meaningful work to care about emojis.


They need to advertise it. Half these people didn't even know what it was, or how to use it. its very different compared with android or IOS. It's actually a great phone. People are just not use to their OS (after using android or ios). It just goes to show how important advertising is for this market. Without advertising, people wont know what your product is, or how to use it.


Everyone, give a hand to all of them for a job well done at acting!  If this is not an intentional bashing job on a new device, I don't know what is.  Take a couple days to learn all about your new device before making stupid comments.  You might be suprise to see how powerful this device is.  I have not purchase this Passport yet but I have seen a proper review by Liron Segev, The TechieGuy.  I suggest everyone go take a look at his unbias review then make your comment and you might think twice about this Blackberry phone.  Just my thought.


I've just switched from Android to this phone and I love it! It is different and unique in this day and age of Androids, Windows and Apple the Blackberry stands out. Yes the Passport keyboard will take getting used to if you are used to swiping your screen however it is very intuitive and fluid once you get used to it. Overall the system is very fluid and extremely fast. One thing you will get with this phone is quality and a sturdy build that looks premium and from the vibrant screen to very long battery life. the Canadians haven't cut corners but have built a very different but excellent phone in it's own right!you can play games on it although it isn't a gaming phone but meant for serious work or productivity.


It boots slow because all apps are secure.


i bet all these people while testing the passport they cant just stop thinkin when to buy iphone 6


"I don't know where I would put it on my body" - Your pocket. Have you never put your passport in your pocket? Alternatively, women often put their phones in their purse.
"I find it hard to scroll" (while touching the screen) - A basic feature of the phone is that you can easily scroll using the touch-sensitive keyboard. 
"It takes long to boot" - Define long. And for that matter, which phone doesn't? My iPhone certainly does. 

6 out of 6 people in this review DISlike the phone in an almost choreographed way. Doesn't seem representative compared with other reviews I've read/seen. 


Why do people who clearly love their Iphones feel the need to come to a Blackberry post and talk negatively about it? Clearly, no one is forcing you to buy one. I personally will be putting in an order for the Passport later on today. To each his own. 


This is so stupid. I'ts first impressions. And this is not intended to be a mass market device like an iPhone 5 or Samsung S5. How about give this to people for a week who actually use large screen devices like the Note 3 and Mega, the LG G3, Curve and Vista? Or existing Blackberry business users. Running a piece like this does nothing to inform people who carry anything more than an iPhone. Millions of large screen phones have been sold, there's a market for it!!!
Just ask people who've ordered the new iPhone Curve which you can bend, although not by design.


I used an iphone for 7 years, never owned a blackberry ever, and wow. What an amazing device. Blackberry Passport is hands down the best device I've ever used. Android apps all work really well on it too so no problems there.


Poor souls that are scared to change. Remember when the iPhone fist came? Similar reaction but with time people got used to it. The same thing here but even better. This is actually a serious phone with very easy and intuitive software. One thing though it is a shiny play toy. Its meant to work hard. Very hard.


I have this beast in my hands and can finally type accurately and quick again and its only been days with this new form.

I picked up my old Z10 today, seemed really small and narrow. No going back now, this is the new norm for me and I'm loving it.


So thats 'americans'?....they seem a little dim, nice, but dim. No worries, me and my friends are queuing up for the PassPort. Can't wait! Luv it!
