Lana Del Rey-dealer (sped up)

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Please don't try to find me through my dealer
He won't pick up his phone
Please don't try my father either
He ain't been home for years
I know I'm no spirit seeker
I can't sleep through the tears
I get lost in the ether
I check it, I wreck it, I turn it around
I gave you all my money, gave you all my money
Gave you all my money, gave you all my money
I don't wanna live
I don't wanna give you nothing
'Cause you never give me nothing back
Why can't you be good for something?
Not one shirt off your back
Why can't you be good for something?
Not one shirt off your back
Please don't try to find me through my dealer
He won't pick up his phone
Please don't try my doctor either
He won't take any calls
He's no fucking spirit healer
He just can't stop to talk
But he's gone now for the weekend
I check it, I wreck it, I turn it around
I gave you all my money, gave you all my money
Gave you all my money, gave you all my money
I don't wanna live
I don't wanna give you nothing
'Cause you never give me nothing back
Why can't you be good for something?
Not one shirt off your back
Why can't you be good for something?
Not one shirt off your back
please don't
(9275, 555) try to find me through my dealer
(Now you've got a busy time) he won't pick up his phone
(All circuits are busy, goodbye)
(All circuits are busy, you're high) please don't try my father either
(All circuits are busy, goodbye)
(All circuits are busy, you're high) he ain't been home for years
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I really like Lana Del Rey. Her suave, velvety, sensual voice range. Here, nice cover, attempt: )) If I don't understand the lyrics that I don't translate now, I think that "Dealer" is beautifully illustrated by your acceleration, your lament representing the tugs between dealer and his eclectic, scattered clientele ... always heterogeneous. Blue Banisters = Blue ramps : )) Yes, we feel "neon" color in the music illustrating the world of the night. The words "Good bye" and ringing in my ears "appeased" mean that she had her fill opening wide the doors of the hovering labyrinths: )) Compliments // All the circuits are occupied: very explicit. Once again, many thanks for posting the lyrics. With gratitude from Switzerland


J'aime beaucoup Lana Del Rey. Sa tessiture de voix suave, veloutée, sensuelle. Ici, belle reprise, tentative : )) Si je ne comprends pas les paroles que je ne traduis pas maintenant, j'estime que "Dealer" est bellement illustré par votre accélération, votre complainte représentant les tiraillements entre dealer et sa clientèle éclectique, éparse... toujours hétéroclite. Blue Banisters = Rampes bleues : )) Oui, on ressent de la couleur "néon" dans la musique illustrant le monde de la nuit. Les mots "Good bye" et résonant à mes oreilles "apaisée" signifient qu'elle a eu sa dose ouvrant tout grand les portes des labyrinthes planants : )) Compliments // Tous les circuits sont occupés : très explicite. Une fois de plus, grand merci pour avoir mis les paroles. Avec reconnaissance de Suisse
