How to Use an Oscilloscope - Mega Guide

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Everything you need to know to become an oscilloscope PRO

0:00 What is an oscilloscope
1:30 How to get started using an oscilloscope
1:48 Oscilloscope Probes
2:16 Oscilloscope Signal Scaling
2:27 Oscilloscope Auto Scale button
4:26 Oscilloscope Probe Calibration
5:09 Oscilloscope Measurements
8:06 Oscilloscope Triggering
12:03 How to Capture Signals With an Oscilloscope
15:05 Oscilloscope Acquisition Modes
16:24 Waveform Analysis with an Oscilloscope
18:02 Additional Learning
18:44 Keysight University Live Winners

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Today we’ll explore how to use an oscilloscope. By the end of this you and your trusty oscilloscope will be equipped to tackle whatever crazy test challenges come your way.

An oscilloscope visually shows you what’s happening electrically at the tip of your probe with respect to ground. It’s kinda like a camera, but for electricity. Once you can see your signal, you can make measurements, debug your device’s behavior, and characterize your device’s performance.
Oscilloscopes come in all shapes and sizes. When you start using an oscilloscope the first thing you should do is press “default setup" which will get rid of any weird settings leftover from the last user who didn’t watch this video and just started pressing buttons hoping it would work.

Then, connect your oscilloscope to your device with a probe. Most oscilloscopes, or “scopes,” come with a set of passive probes. These aren’t just a wire, there’s actual circuitry inside that helps make the signals pretty. This clip goes to earth ground [the ground clip] to give your scope a measurement reference. It’s important to remember that this is a ground connection and should only be connected to ground. Nothing else.

Once everything is connected, you’ll hopefully see something on the screen. Odds are, it’s not going to be quite what you want to see, so you can change it. The easiest way to change it is with the auto-scale button.

Oscilloscopes have four main controls that change what you see. The first two control horizontal scaling, and horizontal position. The horizontal axis represents time, and we can change the scale and the and offset using the corresponding knobs [horizontal scale and delay]. Notice that the screen has “divisions” on it to give us an idea of our signal’s parameters.

The other two main controls handle vertical scaling and vertical offset per channel. [horizontal knobs] Most oscilloscopes have more than one input, or channel, and you can independently set each channel’s voltage (or current) per division [vertical channel knobs]. You can play with the vertical and horizontal settings until you’re happy with what you can see. Oscilloscopes have more than one channel so you can see multiple signals at once.

The first time you connect a probe to a scope channel, you need to impedance match the probe and the scope. It’s easier than it sounds. Connect to the probe cal ports [probe comp ports], and get the signal on screen. Good thing we know how to do that now. We want to see a nice, square shape here, this is a little off. So, I’ll use the provided adjuster and tweak this until the edge looks sharp, meaning our scope and probe are impedance matched and this transmission line is happy. Fancy probes don’t do this. Instead, they get full S-parameter characterization from the factory. The scope reads the s-parameter information from the probe and compensates automagically. It’s super cool.
Now that my probe is compensated, and we can connect to our device.

To make measurements, hit the measurement button.

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Wow! A corporate channel that doesn't suck and actually makes helpful content! Even a drop of comedy injected in there, what's not to love!


It is so rare to see someone so perfectly suited and skilled to all of the tasks that they are executing simultaneously. Daniel Bogdanoff is seamless and 100% effective. It is hard to imagine that he is paid what he is worth to Keysight. Raise time! (the edit I made was to replace 'This guy' with his NAME, for crying out loud.)


"Auto Scale" - the forbidden but delicious fruit


I love your editor's treatment of this video, especially the sound effects 😂


Last time I was this early, the voltage was still overshooting.


Imagine having a professional enough setup to have a good oscilloscope other than the one you found in a local dump store that you had to fix.


Its amazing how much scopes have evolved since green CRT ones.
They are my favourite tools.


Ah yes! set my oscilloscope to parkour mode


12:04 "Capture Siganls". Great stuff. I've been following the Keysight Live event the past couple years and I have enjoyed every year. The team offers quality content and hardware. Hope to work with the team in the near future.


The 'measure voltage with one probe, and current with another and then multiply them to plot power' is some big brain stuff. I'll have to try that tomorrow.


I'm have a habit from analog scope times - always calibrating scope and probe before actual measurements.. Because, I can't be sure, that daughter didn't touch my scopes fine adjustments knob.. 😂 And if circuit is fully unknown, I always started with higher voltage range when using scope or multimeter..
But yeah, analog scope takes time to calculate, what's on screen.. Best things from analog scope experience - if you used analog scope, you better understand digital scope.. Anyway, DSO has more options to make job easier.. 👍

Great tips for beginners!


Well I am still using my Hameg (Rohde & Schwarz) from 1986 so good old Analogue. I am here to drool and bring back memories of working with a digital scope as currently working in heavy industries.


You triggered some serious scope envy here. First scope I used was a Tek 535 and the last was a Tek 465B before I moved into management. I’m retired now but still have a 465B, just in case. This analog scope from the 70’s had the equivalent of “Default Setup” when your trace went missing: Beam Find.


Wow, things certainly have improved a bit from the days when I inherited my dad's 10-21 Heathkit O'scope (200 kHz) back in the early 70's. I use portable Tektronix 'scopes (100 MHz) as an F-4 and later F-18 Radar Tech, and then as an Electronics instructor while in the military (80's and 90's). I currently own a Leader LBO-508A (20 MHz) 'scope. My New Year's Resolution for this year 2022, is to clear the junk of my electronics bench (lots of things I had plans on "fixing" over the years and never got around to it) and see about getting a 200 Mhz (or better) digital scope with a few more bells and whistles, hence my watching your video. I know what you mean about people just pushing buttons and turning dials on the scope, students used to do that all the time when I was teaching. The "Auto Scale" button looks like it will be a big help in that area. I liked that you injected some humor into your presentation, that helps ease the tension of people trying to learn the new concepts. Keep up the good work.


Thank you Daniel for providing such good and clear and easy to understand information. It's been 30 years since I knew all these things and am grateful for the re-education.


Keysight Labs guy: "One of life's greatest disappointments is we can't see electricitiy"
Electroboom:"I beg to differ... I have seen it, tasted it and felt it, you mereley adopted electricity; I was born in it, molded by it. "


Nice touch with the “siganls” overlay at 12:05. (Assuming it was completely intentional. 😏)


Daniel, if I were a PM I'd run away from cameras but you are perfect for this. You bring life to what could be pretty dry material. And you are a great help to your customers ... one of Keysight's best assets ! The other Keysight personalities are MUCH cuter though.


It's weird that Keysight is a million/billion dollar company (judging by the scope prices) and they produce videos like this where in 2 minutes I had more laughs then on a regular comedy youtube video.

12:03 - TYPO!


I remember learning how to use an oscilloscope back in highschool... an analog one. It was HELL. Once I started working and put my hands on our digital one in the lab, I was able to actually understand it and use it properly in half an hour. My teachers back in school were like "digital ones are nice, but if you can't understand these analog ones, you won't be able to work with the digitals either".Yeah... sure. Nice info and tips on these!
