Mosko Moto Backcountry 35L Panniers (bags) vs. Lone Rider Motobags

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Which you would choose and why... let us know in the comments below.

How does Lone Rider stack up against Mosko Moto is a question I have been asked a lot this season. The other question why I switched from Mosko backcountry 35L Panniers to the Lone Rider Motobags. In this video we discuss the similarities and differences of the two.
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The two of you need to do more videos together. The banter of old friends cannot be beat.


I've never seen a comparison test, based on the "Anything you can do, I can do better" theme. Original, effective, and just plain fun. Well done.


here i am, watching reviews about some sophisticated luggage systems, knowing full well that i, next time i go on a tour, am just going to strap a backpack to my passengers seat again


I love the dueling banjos review of these products. Y’all are the Smothers Brothers of bike reviews!


Great video gents. I bought Nelson Rigg Sierra and am LOVING THEM for less than $175. They're waterproof and that's without the liner! I have the liners tossed in there and use them for grocery runs as they charge for bags here in Seattle. I just hand them off to the sacker and Viola! I lower each easily down into the panniers and then bring them right to the kitchen counter when I get home. Oh, and the Nelson Rigg panniers are about 5 pounds per side and yours are the same weight as the hard panniers. I rest my case.


I loved the intro. I re-watched it an undisclosed number of times.

The rest of the video was good too.


I really like this format of product comparison, more entertaining than one guy just rambling on about pros and cons.


I chose the LoneRider because I didn't like the look of the backing plate that is left on the bike when the Mosko bags are removed. When the LoneRider quick release comes out, there will be no need for a backing plate to remain on the bike. Also, who wants to drag a wet muddy bag into their tent or hotel room. Just remove the clean dry inner waterproof bag and go on your way.


Best comedy I have seen for a while with useful information. Paul is a hoot!


went all the way south from Europe to South Africa with the Mosko's, very happy with em. Even left them outside over night with the security straps mounted. Now i have this nice Souvenir, the red dust/dirt/mud is very persistent


I've had the Mosko Moto Reckless 40L for a while and I love it. I'd absolutely buy it again.


Mosko all the way baby! Bought mine 4 years ago, most guys in my group have switched to Mosko as well.


Good demonstration and explanation of the pros of these bags. Your banter and charisma helped make this video more enjoyable.


Great video. I have both and they are excellent systems for the reasons you mentioned. Both extremely durable, fallproof, and convenient. I wouldn't go back to aluminum panniers after using them. The molle system alone makes things that need to be accessible always available for use - water, fuel, goggles, rain gear, etc. The extra minibags on both systems are essential kit for those.


It's like you could read my mind... I'm looking for new panniers and can't decide between MoskoMoto and LoneRider. This comparison is brilliant! Thanks lads!


Awesome Video. Glad I found your channel actually ( YouTube dumped it in my list..). I was stoked to see what your mate was using as a rack plate, when he removed the Mosko.
I second Klaus’s post. Sod paying the cost of the top box. I’d hiff a Military pack on the back and shove a dry sack/s inside ( my fave method ) - or, use an old Motorcycle courier box on the back and fill it with a dry sack/s.
I was a Courier for years - worked through several Tropical cyclones and some of the foulest weather imaginable in New Zealand, with, a simple PVC covering around an aluminium frame, which kept everything dry inside ( parcels / documents for delivery ) in some of the worst weather. The top was closed by flipping a larger lid over the “box” which had velcro and overlapped the main box.
Simple, effective and cheaper than a few pints at the local.


This was one of the most enjoyable videos in a long time ... that I've watched on youtube!
You guys make a great and hilarious team.


I use the latest Mosko Moto bags, which include two main new features: (1) an aluminium security bar on the roll-top side of the panniers, and (2) a spring-loaded locking tab on the back side of the panniers which slots into the rugged pannier rack slide-mounts. Both of these are lockable and protect against arbitrarily removing the panniers from the bike and the contents from the panniers themselves. I use the aluminium bar in conjunction with a lockable steel braided security strap (also supplied by Mosko Moto) ... essential here in South Africa. I’m totally happy with my Mosko Moto purchase!


Nice comparison! I use a lot of mosko staff including 35L backcountry panniers. All is good except for ugly wedges that stand out 90% of riding time when I do not use panniers. I wish they had easily removable buckles.
