Do NBA Coaches Even Matter?

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We are going to look at a Study done by the University of Chicago.
They came up with a methodology for finding coach effectiveness called RIFLE.
Randomization Inference for Leadership Effectiveness
RIFLE is a formula that tries to factor out chance and elements outside the control of a coach to measure how much influence leadership has on a teams record.
In the NBA a coaching change is shown to worsen a teams record for the immediate future. Again pretty obvious, if you’re changing coaches you’re either giving up on the season or focusing on rebuilding.
Overall this study's conclusion was that across all sports the success of a team is about 20-30% percent in control of the coach.
It seems to me that the first head to roll after a failed season is always the coach.
Here’s why. NBA coaching salaries don’t count toward the salary cap, so they are easy to let go.
A player is harder to let go because their contract counts toward your cap. You can release them but that doesn’t free up any cap space for you.
Coaches are paid significantly less than players.
Highest paid coach is greg popovich at 11 million dollars a year
That’s enough to pay reggie jackson or dwight powell
As a general manager cutting a coach is less costly and is going to be seen as a far bigger management move than trading Powell or Jackson.
I bring up the example of Frank Vogel.
I think Frank Vogel was unfairly fired from the Lakers.
I think the squad he was dealt in 2021-22 as a product of Rob Pelinkas management was not enough to achieve even a mediocre amount of success.
Ultimately Rob Pelinka the GM of the Lakers had to blame someone besides himself so he put it on Vogel.
Vogel was replaced with Darvin Hamm and they still suck.
Which again isn’t Darvin Hamm’s fault.
What is the responsibility of a coach and How much do they actually control?
For instance Tyron Lue coached the clippers in the 2021 playoff series against the jazz to play small ball and focus on perimeter shooting.
Knowing that the only defensive threat on that team was Rudy Gobert who was not a great perimeter defender. The Clippers shot them out of the game and won the series 4 games to 2
Coaches run practices
A coach needs to manage his staff and practices and ensure every member of the rotation is prepared for the next game.
One way that went wrong was in 2018 when in his first week of coaching Jim Boylen held a 2 and a half hour practice where the players did military pushups and wind sprints. Then he scheduled a practice on a Sunday the day after a back to back.
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I’m not gonna lie this is my favorite account I came across. I feel like these videos offer something no other channel really talks about


These videos are so well put together. Way too good for only 120 views


I’ve thought about this before, it seems to me that a bad coach can mess up a team with good talent if they don’t know how to utilize them well, but a good coach has somewhat of a limited ceiling depending on what they have to work with. I think it’s tough for good/skilled players to surpass their coaching, as well as a coach can’t work miracles out of below average talent. Been loving the thought provoking questions/topics, thanks again man, keep ‘em coming.


Here after Milwaukee went through 2 different coach fires in less than a year


I was just thinking this the other day... Like even the "good" coaches sometimes run shit teams idk man


great editing and information, appreciate the effort you put in the content !


always denied it until i saw mazulla vs spo in last years playoffs


2:49 idk man y’all look good last 10 games


this is a debate me and homie be having all the time and i think its kinda tough question to answer
you see someone like POP and wonder is that cuz of TIM and if it is why isnt the same success happening to other coaches like 76ers and nets, but then again you see coaches like Will hardy on the jazz and they playing with inspired ball

at the end of the day the coach is not just for adjustments and schemes but also for team morale and motivation and well needed leadership which i think sets coaches like Ty lue, Spo, Pop, kerr from any other coach cuz they provide something more than just schematics but morale and who to poke to get the team going. Let the team play with some heart and inspired ball and when the coach is able to do that with the Leader of the team the team looks better for it, making it seem like the coach was useless when it was all set up by him to start


coaches do matter during the playoffs schemes, adjustments etc but no coach can a championship without a superstar player


always gotta do a double take on the beat drop at the end of ur vids.


By year 2030, we need to see nba coaches hired. I would love to see nba players like: james harden, russell westbrook, chris paul, derrick rose, or blake griffin as nba coaches. I mean coaching nba teams that deserve a shot! reply


theres no way nba coaches matter more than nfl coaches


Lmao Lebron waves off Darvin Ham all the time


Easily the worst generation of coaches. Almost no innovation. Almost all are sheep. Almost all are overrated including Kerr and Spoelstra. Almost all have no idea of how to teach defense especially on the pick n roll.Furthermore on Gameday they have ni plan B or make any adjustments or try to adapt when things don't go to play which is often the case in any sport.


Lakers still aren't good! Lmao bro saw the future
