What Did The Romans Actually Do For Us?

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⚱️ What Did The Romans Actually Do For Us?? In this film we look at what the Romans invented or developed in their lust for glory. Subtitles Included:

- Public toilets - first seen in Mesopotamia 3000bc, along with steam baths
- public baths - Indus Valley in Pakistan - around 2350bc
- Flushing toilets were popularised by the Indus Valley peoples of modern day Pakistan, 2000 bc
-pipe pluming - The Minoan civilisation of Crete, such as the city of Knossos, used clay pipes to bring fresh water in and take taste water out of complex city water systems, around 1750bc.
- by around 1500bc many Greek and phonetician homes had their own indoor wells, sewage systems, showers, and walk in ceramic spa baths with hot and cold running water.

- Alphabet - writing was invented by Egyptians around 3500 bc, modern alphabet was invented by the phoneticians around 1050bc
- Mathematics - invented by the Sumerians (which is modern day Iraq) around 3,000 bc, and developed later by the Babylons modern day Iraq, who also gave us tables, 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 360 degrees in a circle.
- Education - itself was popularised in Sumeria, Judah and Mesopotamia at least 1000bc, and we know the Babylonians had libraries around 650bc, long before the Romans got started.

Public law and order,
- Criminal Justice codes - go back to the Sumerians, who invented the Code of Hammurabi around 1750bc. It was then developed by the ancient Greeks
- democracy - developed and named in Athens circa 508 B.C. In ancient Greece
- elections - came with democracy and again was greek
- policing - was done by guards of the region or city, and guarding camps goes back to prehistoric times.

- grapes are native to Armenia, oldest winery was found in Armenia, dated back to around 4100bc.
- The oldest pottery bottle of time was found in modern day Georgia, and dates back to 6,000 years bc
- Glassware was developed by the Phoenicians. Merchants transporting stone discovered glass accidentally in the region of Syria around 5000 BC. They developed glass beads of different colours, which they would trade for gold all around the Mediterranean. The earliest glass containers date back to 1500 BC and were found in Mesopotamia.

- the oldest paved roads found in the Indus valley modern day Pakistani, dating from 4000bc
- the wheel was invented by the Sumerians, around 5000bc
- around 2000bc, it was the Minoans who build a paved road from Knossos to ports on the sound of the island.
- the Romans advanced the building of roads until the end of the empire, but by AD 800 the first tar-paved roads had already been laid in Baghdad, which is modern day iraq, thanks to the nearby oil resources.

- oldest irrigation system was found in southern Iran dating around 7000bc.
- The Indus valley tribes in modern day Pakistan also developed irrigation around 4500bc

a fresh water system,
- Underground water courses date back to 2700bc and came from Iran
- aqueducts - popularised by the Assyrians, from modern day Syria, around 700bc with the city of Nineveh, said to be the actual hanging gardens of Babylon.

- medicine developed by the Sumerians and the Babylonians in iraq around 2000 bc. They introduced the practice of diagnosis, prognosis, physical examination, and remedies, along with the first Diagnostic Handbook
- Ayurvedic medicine and surgery in india, and chinese medicine date back to : around 500 years BC
- Hippocrates and the Greeks then developed medicine around 400bc

public health care
- The first dentistry dates to 7000 BC in Pakistan where Neolithic dentists used flint-tipped drills and bowstrings.
- Hippocrates and the greeks advanced health care around 400bc
- the first hospital was opened in Baghdad in 800 ad.

brought peace - no

The colour Purple - Phoneticians

- Public Arenas used for fighting and racing. was known as the Greek hippodrome and developed by the Greeks
- Public Theatre - another greek idea, going back to Aristotle
- Stadiums - were greek. - around 776bc, athletes from all over greece would compete in a 4 yearly olympic games competition
- Forums - came from the Greek Agora; which were meeting places for trade and politics, initially developed by the Greeks around 800bc.

Rome - Rome was founded in 753bc by Greeks from the Arcadia region, they named it Rhome in greek meaning Strength or Vigour.
Latin - was developed by Rome , and was invented around 680bc

I got the idea for this after watching a documentary about the Phoneticians, where a guy steps into a sculpted red walk-in bathtub, which had hot and cold water, flush toilets and shower facilities - dated 1500 B.C. I remember we only got indoor flush toilets in our house in the 1970s, and showers in the 1990s. It took 3500 years for common serfs to get this technology. I could have continued with Boats etc, but I wanted to stick to the Python ones.
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So this video was actually made to diminish Roman achievements..
Romans did invent:
-Roman numerals;
-First newspaper;
-modernized plumbing and sanitary management;
-The use of arches to build structures;
-Air conditioning;
-First dedicated surgical tools;
-Concrete for buildings;
-The codex (books) -ordered by Ceaser;
-Roads and highways;
-Grid based cities;
-Julian calendar;
-Postal Service;
-Wellfare benefits;
-The coliseum.

I understand that being ignorant is a thing nowadays, but making a video that clearly specify how much they are... what a shame.


Now I was rather expecting a scene of “The life of Brian“ 😂😂


Ok so just a few extra notes, seeing as I used up the description for the subtitles (which I ended up adding to YouTube CC anyway). This list was inspired in part by a talk by (current PM) Boris Johnson and Mary Beard, which you can find on youtube, in which they argued the case between the Romans and the Greeks. This gave me some ideas. I then went on my own search for the facts, and found most of the suggestions made in the Life of Brian sketch were not invented or developed by the Romans at all, but by other countries, hence the title.

The final item in the list was Brought Peace, and this got a point for the phoneticians as they did bring trade and peace. Looking at the video here, the numbers for the Greeks looked very low, so I added a few things I knew where adopted from the Greeks, like the entertainments and sports. I missed out Mathematics by mistake (an important one in sid meier's civilization!), but this would have still not been enough to beat the Middle East. I thought it would be best to end the horse race there, to add some tragedy, otherwise the Greeks would have cleaned the whole table and stood as lofty as the Gods themselves. Zeus wouldnt like that very much, and would have rained brimstone on my arse if the Greeks had walked home to victory with no effort.

I also added a bit about the colour Purple, when I found out where it came from, but I didnt say very much about this in the video. I make up for it, I added a bit more info about this in the CC Subtitles.

Of course its important to realise that many things have been invented and lost over the years, and reinvented over and over. Just because Showers were invented, doesnt mean there were widespread. Maths may have been for scholars and socialites in the city, but the general county population didnt learn to read or write as you might think. Illiteracy was normal among the general citizens of every country until the 20th Century, when schools were extended to all regions and became compulsory. Books and scriptures in general were sacred up until that point, and only the highest order were able to read or write, even up with the Middle Ages. Today, only 30% of the world have all the items in this video. There are some parts of India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and of course Africa who have access to non of these items, including a basic water supply or irrigation.


flushing toilets were maybe found in India and Pakistan according to your vid but even now there are regions without :-)


alguien mas está aquí por los deberes?


Everything and increased the standard of Living for everyone 🤣


So Greeks did nothing in the fields of maths? What a joke. RΗΘΜΣ is not readable in greek. R is latin athow you can found it in archaic greek. Η is an i. Θ is th. and Σ is a s. So RΗΘΜΣ could be translated into RITHMS. ok. cool. In greek ROME is ΡΟΜΗ (Ρομη)...
