Household Costs Indices: What these new inflation indices can tell us and why they are important

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The Office for National Statistics has started quarterly publication of the Household Cost Indices (HCIs). These indices promise a more accurate reflection of inflation as experienced by households, particularly those with lower incomes. Unlike the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and ONS's main measure the CPIH, HCIs will provide equal weight to all households, ensuring a fairer comparison across income brackets and will include other items such as mortgage interest payments.

This event, hosted by the RSS, in collaboration with the Resolution Foundation, the Inflation Statistics User Group, and Citizens Advice, delves into what the HCIs reveal about the inflation experiences of different households and what the impact might be for policymakers as we head to the next general election.

Tony Cox, Chair – Inflation Statistics User Group
Abi Casey, Head of Prices Development and Responsive Analysis – ONS
Morgan Wild, Head of Policy – Citizens Advice
Jill Leyland – Royal Statistical Society
John Astin, Former Head of Price Comparisons – Eurostat
Chris Giles, Economics Commentator – Financial Times
Paul Lewis, Financial Journalist
Matt Corder, Deputy Director of Prices – ONS
Chair: Gregory Thwaites, Research Director – Resolution Foundation
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