Ashley Baldry: Creating a JavaScript Library for Your Shiny Application

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About the talk:
You are comfortable writing JavaScript for your shiny applications, but the single script holding all of the JavaScript is becoming unmanageable, now what? Similar to R packages, JavaScript libraries can be built to hold all necessary code and bundled back into a useable script for the shiny application to use.
In this talk will discuss:
- how to set up a JavaScript library within an R package
- how to convert a single script into a library
- how to include the library in a shiny application
- the benefits of using a library over a single script

Speaker's bio:
Ashley is a data scientist at Ascent, specialising in the development of shiny applications. With a strong interest in HTML frameworks and UI design, he is an active member of the R open-source community and is a maintainer of several shiny related packages.
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