Fox Body Terminator X Gen 2 Firmware & Software Setup Tech Tips

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For those of you running the Anderson - Terminator X Gen 2 Kits and need assistance with first time setup this video is for you. There are two takeaways we want you to have from this video. One, how to load the proper firmware along with a tune made from the proper software into your Terminator X ECU. Two, the necessary options that must be changed in a tune file through the software to run properly on your vehcile. If the firmware from the ECU does not match the firmware from the software a built tune file will NOT load properly.
Note* All Terminator X Gen 2 Kits come with the 3.5" monitor, however tune setup can absolutely NOT be completed through the monitor through the tuning wizard. This must be done with the software. Either through the SD card in the monitor or directly through the software with attaching the CAN to USB cable part # 558-443. Available on our website.
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