Girlfriend Invited Her Ex-Husband To Family Vacation, Leaving Me Out Cause It Was 'Family Only'

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#AITA #AITAUpdate #Stories

Story :-
Background: OP has been in a relationship with their entitled girlfriend for two years. They have noticed that she has always maintained a suspiciously close relationship with her ex-husband, which has caused friction between them. When it's time for a family vacation, OP is deliberately excluded and is told that it's a "family-only" trip.
Incident: OP starts to suspect something is off when their girlfriend becomes increasingly evasive about the vacation details. Upon further investigation, OP discovers that not only has their girlfriend invited her ex-husband on the trip but has also been sharing a hotel room with him. Infuriated, OP decides to take revenge by crashing the vacation and exposing her deceit to everyone present.
Revenge Plan: To enact their revenge, OP gathers evidence of their girlfriend and her ex-husband's deception, including photos and messages. OP then secretly books a flight and accommodations near the vacation spot. On the day of the big reveal, OP arranges a surprise dinner for the entire family, where they present the evidence in a dramatic fashion. Op demands his girlfriend returns everything to him that he has bought for her in the past and he plans to sue her for emotional harassment ( op’s parents have a huge law firm)

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Story 1 :- 00:23
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Not just a doormat, but a delusional doormat. One that makes as many excuses as possible to justify their toxic partner.


As OP said, of course he feels like a loser. He’s the only one in his circle of influence who willfully and wrongly missed the red flags. While OP mocked the fact that Aaron was not very smart, he was being mocked by everyone else, including his parents, for the very same thing.


Nta. Throw her stuff out and change the locls. Cassie and her family are gaslighting you. When they call say you decided her vacation is to be permanent. Then block her


Op didn’t just miss red flags, he missed illuminated runway direction arrows. Seeing the ex constantly hanging around and leaving for a vacation without him would have been the final straw for me.


At the 3 month mark when she pitched a fit over not getting a fancy purse was the time to eject. So Cassie is a garden tool and her parents her pimps. Nice family🙄🙄🙄


OP should listen to his parents. The fact that this lasted more than a week proves OP needs a Conservatorship!


Damn, OP is such a doormat. He should honestly stick with that woman seeing as how no smart, honest woman would be with him. He's the type of man to believe phone scammers.


Here’s the thing- the courts said his ex could keep all the gifts “in good faith.” Well, lying and deceiving throughout the whole relationship IS NOT GOOD FAITH, the judge should have screwed OP’s ex on all that. Oh, he didn’t dodge a bullet, a cannon, an artillery shell, he dodged the end of the world…


Cassie's family and ex 'pimped' her out to get any and everything she could from OP. All the expensive gifts OP gave her she sold. Good thing he kept the car in his name or that would have been gone too. Aaron is probably broke too or he wouldn't have been willing to be a part of this. Every red flag was there for OP to see but love blinded him. Cassie and her family had to be stupid as h*ll to even think about doing this since his family are successful lawyers. But they fafo and now the money is turned off, Cassie lost her job and her part of the house. Hopefully Aaron hasn't wasted his money from supposedly being a professional football player. KARMA...


ATM/Doormat, op ignored every red flag that even others saw, especially his parents.He wasn't invited on a family trip, but her ex husband was? Pure foolishness on op part for not seeing that BS.

At least op got out before they could had literally bleed him dry as they planned, , she had the audacity to call op about him freezing a card he never open, she and her twisted family/partners in crimes deserve everything that happened to them.


If I were you I would have broken things off a long time ago. She doesn't deserve your love. I agree with your parents.


OP was a walking doormat!! He owes his parents a HUGE apology!!


if i were op id have bailed a long time ago on this relationship


If I found a guy like OP and he had money I would appreciate him. She does not appreciate him.


Of course OP feels like a loser..because he acted like/was one! Prime example of a intelligent, successful person with less common sense/street smarts of a rock. Parents should have recorded their confrontation for proof/evidence against the whole family.


The best part of this pretty much ridiculous story is just what a lovely, close, and well educated/equipped family OP comes from. By the time the story ended, I did not remember how old OP is, or even if the story gave that information. He ‘plays’ as if he’s in his early, possibly mid, twenties. (Note: I listen, do not read.) OP nta.


He didn’t have to waste his money on travel expenses and come close to stalking her to discover the truth. The truth was in front of him from the beginning. He just didn’t want to accept it. Instead of feeling sorry for her he should have gotten help for his own self-esteem issues. Because only someone with low self-esteem would allow themselves to be treated that way.


The minute op found out the dastardly couple were engaged…op should have went back to court and asked if they’d bought a ring…because if they did, technically they should have given the money to op to pay back their debts.


There were signs from the start. But the “love” haze is a ruthless bastard if you ignore it.


Love the visuals. Didn't know Mr Reddito is a Stalker😢😮😂
