Spn family- Always Keep Fighting

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“everything hurts, but everything can heal”
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Song: light by sleeping at last
Fandom: Supernatural (the cast at conventions/on Instagram)
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(Make sure you remember: you are not alone and to always keep fighting)

-I apologise for any grammar mistakes, this is my first time adding words to the video-
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Jared"I was here to let you know I love you"
Me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


It’s great to have jensen and jared in our life, they are great humans


Jared, Jensen and Misha are my role models ❤️


Thank you❤️
8 years this show and this family has helped me carry on. I wouldn’t be here without them or you guys. I am and will always be thankful for everything, never will I leave all of this behind. It is a part of my past, present and will follow me to the very end of my future.


Ngl this made me tear up a bit. I just started getting into supernatural lately and I came across this video. I battle anxiety and depression myself and am I’m in recovery from an eating disorder. I’ve had a hard time with it all lately (especially me finally opening up and getting the help I need, from all the appointments and long long talks, etc) and I found this show in perfect timing. I nearly lost my fight awhile back but I made the choice to fight no matter how hard it is. Started off with a rough year but supernatural has really helped. And I couldn’t have asked for a better fandom at the moment cause I seen a video of Jensen singing brother and i couldn’t help but smile and sing along.also may or may not have a small celebrity crush on Jensen but like who dosent?


0:59 "Even people who aren't ready to admit it to others, " LOL I feel that was directed towards Jensen


I believe that the messages the supernatural family have been sending out is probably the reason the show lasted for so long, good karma. To give them a chance to affect so many people. Too many celebrities are full of themselves but these people are all about sending messages of love. There's a reason why the show was on the air for so long, not just to entertaining but to help so many people that have such a hard time with depression. Respect and admire them for helping people and making a difference.


coming back to this video feels like a punch in the guts, watching this three years ago
u heard it but wasnt even close to believing it, gotta tell you that life does get better and for me they are definitely part of that


Hey. Yeah you. We don't know each other but I want you to know that whatever battle you fighting, youre not alone out there. I don't know you but I care about you. Why? Because you belong to the family and we don't give up on family. So always keep fighting because you are not alone


Im.meeting j2m in november and I ant wait to just tell them how much I love them for helping me even if they weren't there in person. I dont think they realize how much they help people when they say things like this. I'm gonna cry in the photo ops and ya know what I will not regret it one bit. And it's not just them it's the whole SPNFAMILY every person in the fandom. 🖤🖤🖤


This video right here saved my life and I can’t watch this without absolutely breaking down in tears now. Thank you for making this and thank you to the cast of Supernatural because I was at such a low when I found you and somehow you lifted me up. I still struggle and I have my bad days but I have hope which is not something I always had. So thank you and always keep fighting❤️


That made me cry. I just love them and there's not even the need to explain why anymore. You know what I'm talking about.
Oh, and edit: That was a cute edit. The song went very well with the videos. Like I said, it made me cry

#alwayskeepfighting #letgowhathurtsyou #youarenotalone #loveyourselffirst


They sure do remind you that you're important to yourself and you are not alone, we all are fighting something. Keep fighting. Thank You J2 and SPN!


I thought it was just another video, and now I'm sitting there crying. J2 and Misha are so great. They are completely different from other actors, you can see that they care about the fans. Always keep fighting is not just an empty action or idea ... They put their hearts into it and really care and inspire


god i love this so much. one thing i dislike about fandom is people idolizing an actor/singer/whoever and saying that person "saved their life" because no. dont diminish your fight. sure, your favorite actor helps you fight! but you and your own strength saved yourself!!! and i LOVE that jared and jensen recognize that and reinforce the idea that they did not save anyone's life. they were there as family, not lifesavers. you save your own life. you make your own decision to keep going. i really, really respect them for recognizing that.


I cannot express how much they help me. They make my days better. Watching supernatural, or just watching videos of them on YouTube makes my days better. they are such a huge comfort for me


I know this comment section is pretty much dead but the AKF campaign saved my life as well as the show now I wear an AKF shirt proudly almost everyday. While I still suffer from depression, anxiety, etc I know I'm never alone
#spnfamily #akf #alwayskeepfighting


The supernatural family has made such an impact on my life and I'm very new to the Fandom


Thank you all for always keep fighting ❤❤❤❤


Thank you for not just playing heroes on a show but helping people who need saving in real life as well. May you continue to be successful in everything you do and continue to inspire people to help save themselves from the darkness.
