Intermediate Maptitude Mapping Software with Audio

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Intermediate Maptitude Mapping Software:
00:00-08:13: Using QuickStart and Create-a-Map Wizard to create a general purpose map and map basics
08:13-12:15: Displaying an area of interest with a mask
12:15-14:30: Displaying an area of interest with the multi-clipper
14:30-18:07: Joining your data to a customized map
18:07-19:46: Renaming and styling a layer
19:46-22:02: Creating multiple-field labels
22:02-23:00: Saving default style and label settings for a layer
23:00-25:55: Joining additional data to a map
25:55-29:10: Creating drive-time bands
29:10-34:45: Q&A: Displaying labels at any scale; Advantages of masks vs. Multi-clipper; Geographic layers
included with Maptitude; Moving a label with a callout; Saving settings in-depth;
34:45-36:13: Seeing your joined data in a dataview
36:13-37:45: Selecting records by condition
37:45-39:50: Tagging data from one layer to another
39:50-41:40: Creating a formula field
41:40-46:16: Working with dataviews (sorting, editing, selecting features, and displaying statistics)
46:16-51:22: Creating a route with driving directions
51:22-55:50: Saving a map as a Google Earth document
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