The Chakras: Part 3 'Solar Plexus Chakra'

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Join Rev. Lee Wolak of the Agape Center for Spiritual Living in Frisco, Texas as discusses the chakras, "Part 3, Solar Plexus Chakra." Enjoy and please share this video with someone you love.

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We need this man at high schools. To help people understand themselves better. America would be so much different.


Thanks a lot Sir ji this is very very interested and valuable vedio
love from India ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


"I'm not protocol!!"👏👏👏
"The power of God is in each of us. Why are we not using that power??" 🙌🙌🙌


Thank you Lee for this, especially for your wisdom about who to allow or not in our lives. No matter who they are. Taking time away from such persons in absolutely key to our healing.


The SOLAR PLEXUS is where THY HOLY SPIRIT resides.


Really good Chakra Series by Rev. Lee Wolak. Love the humour bits which the audience gets. Great talk.


So much valuable information in this video :) Thanks for sharing this Rev. Lee Wolak


Thank u for tellingg the truth no heaven or hell physically


Great video thanks Lee! ❤️😉❤️ I’ll be adding it to my practice.💜


Gosh I had that very same experience in hospital! The nurses were not happy! My body my choice


I agree with most of Rev. Lee Wolak but not when he said to cut negative people, even parents/siblings. When you cut negative people out of your life, you are running from the problem. As hard as it is, it is better to keep them in your life and work on not getting triggered.


Ive seen all these and i love them!! You should do some on the outer body chakras too! Id love to hear you explain it


YEAH MAN!!! May the world hear you!!! About +/- : you can complete with non-dualism, yin/yang completude. About quantum leaps: yes of course, since you are talking about enregies and not material!


The Solar Plexus Chakra controls wisdom. Many wise men are portrayed as large-bellied. From Buddha to Iroh.


When it spins clockwise or counterclockwise is that from person looking out view, or is it as if we are looking at the seated self from outside? Idk why I am hung up on this part lol


hi, when you are uploading rest of chakras videos. waiting for it !!


Definitely why they didn't teach this in highschool!


Hey... have you done talks for the remaining upper chakras?? Waiting patiently. Thank you


Are these power point slides available to YouTube viewers?


I almost died giving birth, because the nurse monitoring me only went by "text book"

I was ready to pop that turkey out in 2.5 hours
My original nurse was on her lunch break so I had a temp filling in
I tell the temp nurse... "I'm ready" "will you check my dilation"
Nurse said "it takes over 12 hours, your not ready""your water popped only 2~hours ago" *leaves room*
I look at my husband and said "I hope she knows what she's doing"
2 more hours pass(now 4-4.5 hours after water popped) I page her again..." I'm ready"
she says "what's changed" I say "nothing""same as before just more intense"
She says "text book says, "12 hours or more" "call me if you have real changes" *leaves room again*
I say to husband..."I'm not text book" "find me my original nurse... NOW!!!"(I knew I was dying)
We have her paged, the temp nurse comes in and pretends to be so confused and says "what is wrong, I can help you, you don't need to disturb her on break(it was 4am)"
I say "I need to be checked, I'm ready. You will not do it so I will get my original nurse here and she will."
Temp nurse then lets out a HUGH sigh, walks over to me, literally tosses my right leg over her shoulder(with such grief and more sighs) checks me and then her face turned from a scolding grieving almost angry look into a PANIC.

my original nurse comes in right after the temp nurses panic set on and my husband( bless his soul) said to my original nurse, so sorry we had to interrupt your lunch, this other nurse is just being a complete BITCH to my wife. (I was so proud, I was dying and couldn't say these things for myself)

Temp nurse says, "hey, watch your mouth with me, I don't have to be here helping..."
Husband says to her, "oh ya, you don't have to be here?, the gtfo" *she exits room....again*
Original nurse is like wow, but says "please don't be mad with her.

"She was just GOING BY TEXT BOOK"

I say I'm not text book...

To wrap it up, the look of panic was that I had in fact BEEN ready to go for over 2 hours, and now because of the lack of care I received from a temp nurse... I hemorrhage so badly I lost over 50% of my blood with a deathly total on my hemoglobin count.... I refuse transfusion. I had to sign a paper, not to blame the hospital if I die from refusing the transfusion. I was a extremely hard climb back to being healthy. I spent a good 10 years being anemic.

Don't let someone text book you, I was able to save myself, I should have demanded it at the 2.5 hour mark, this was when the hemorrhaging began. I was ready around 2 hours but holding in the birth caused hemorrhage every minute from there on. Such a shame, that woman was a demon.

This is the first time I've shared this story with anyone. Only my daughter and husband. So hi to anyone reading, thank you for taking an interest. Hope everyone stays happy and healthy 😘❤️
