God bless you both for your willingness to sacrifice for the safety of others. Be safe, Stay safe! timballard
God bless you both for your willingness to sacrifice for the safety of others. Be safe, Stay safe!
I’m praying for you both! and all of the healthcare workers giving service to those who need it!!!❤ itz_add
I’m praying for you both! and all of the healthcare workers giving service to those who need it!!!❤
It’s all fun and games until the phone flies away😂 e_coleman
It’s all fun and games until the phone flies away😂
99% wishing luck to stay alive 1% talking abt how much they're slaying ✨ Thatskykid
99% wishing luck to stay alive 1% talking abt how much they're slaying ✨
People: THE HOUSE IS GUNNA BLOW!!!! Meanwhile: 💃🕺👯🕺👯🕺👯💃 itzzBeliciah
People: THE HOUSE IS GUNNA BLOW!!!! Meanwhile: 💃🕺👯🕺👯🕺👯💃
My mom was on shift during hurricane sandy. They ended up having to shower in the morgue and sleep in the break room. not_dash
My mom was on shift during hurricane sandy. They ended up having to shower in the morgue and sleep in the break room.
Stay safe guys! I’ll be praying for yall💛🙏🏻 Thank you for being there TayWasHere-
Stay safe guys! I’ll be praying for yall💛🙏🏻 Thank you for being there
The fact that I recognize that exact spot theyre in Lovelyis-ALIVE
The fact that I recognize that exact spot theyre in
Bros playing natural disaster survival 💀💀 bonziisme
Bros playing natural disaster survival 💀💀
stay safe!! im here right now helping family who are first responders hope yall are ok❤ exiledfromearth
stay safe!! im here right now helping family who are first responders hope yall are ok❤
Be safe and hope shift is eazy tonight bde
Be safe and hope shift is eazy tonight
God bless the fact that your still working MagdiMorcos-ju
God bless the fact that your still working
why did I read that as “distracting ourselves from the fact we’re about to take a massive shit during the hurricane” 😟 kaylaa.satx
why did I read that as “distracting ourselves from the fact we’re about to take a massive shit during the hurricane” 😟
you’re still smiling so bravely… stay safe! (yo I was trynna be funny :( sorry?) augustssafespace
you’re still smiling so bravely… stay safe! (yo I was trynna be funny :( sorry?)
Yall need a raise!God bless you and stay safe! DR.PEPPER_BKDK
Yall need a raise!God bless you and stay safe!
bless yall and thank you for doing this in a hurricane just to entertain us be safe! maya-qf
bless yall and thank you for doing this in a hurricane just to entertain us be safe!
Hurricane Milton is the worst. It's all across the world and even here in England we r experiencing it!! DUCKY-th
Hurricane Milton is the worst. It's all across the world and even here in England we r experiencing it!!
everyone looks like their having fun during the hurricane what 😭 itz.lydiaa
everyone looks like their having fun during the hurricane what 😭
Who said FireFighters dont got the moves?🕺💃 why are they so pretty?😝😝😝😝😘😘😘😘 YOU GUYS KEEP YOURSELF SAFE WHILE YOUR HELPING OTHERS!!!❤ DNDYS-WORLD-LOVER
Who said FireFighters dont got the moves?🕺💃 why are they so pretty?😝😝😝😝😘😘😘😘 YOU GUYS KEEP YOURSELF SAFE WHILE YOUR HELPING OTHERS!!!❤
From the screen to the ring to the pen to the king zandercabral
From the screen to the ring to the pen to the king