How to ACTUALLY Level Up XP FAST in Season 4! (Full XP Guide!) - BR, Lego, Creative, Racing Festival

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How to ACTUALLY Level Up XP FAST in Season 4! (Full XP Guide!) - BR, Lego, Creative, Racing Festival

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Intro To XP in Fortnite Season 4 Explained - 00:00
XP Cap Per Mode - 00:39
Daily Discovery Quests 01:50
Battle Royale Quests 03:23
Playing Battle Royale for XP 5:45
LEGO XP METHOD Season 4 08:11
Fort Festival XP explained 08:38
Save The World XP Farm NERFED! 09:20
Rocket Racing Farming 10:00
Capture the Flag XP Farm 11:36
50 Fashion XP Farm 12:11
50vs50 XP 14:53
ToyWar XP 15:23

🖼My Fortnite Creative Maps:
🏁Canyon Race Track - 6087-4390-9350
🔥The Ring Of Fire - 8809-4244-0122
👚50Fashion Show - 3589-2124-6433 - A MUST PLAY
🔴Red Light 🟢Green Light - 3238-7312-0779
🍕Food Fight Map - 5111-7601-1549
⭐Tilted Prop Hunt ⭐ - 0730-4860-4137
📦 Toy Box FFA - 9061-5458-7889
7️⃣ IO VS THE SEVEN - 3554-3153-4920
🧸 Toy War TDM - 8090-9016-4239

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Bro played toy box for the last week and I’m now level 100 thanks sooo much!


Remember when imposters was the best way to get xp? I sure do..


After six days, I finally hit level 100 by doing a mix of milestones weekly challenges and dailies for both reload and battle Royale. I also did do a creative map that helped me cap out xp every day


Save the world is my method cause you get about 50k xp every mission and there are daily quests and there are special quests that give 100K xp. Very effective if you know what your doing.


All caps 0:39

All quest in order 1:18

Toy box map (gives alot of xp) 1:50

All quest 3:23

Battle royal xp 5:45

Reload quest 7:31

Lego quest 8:11

Festival 8:38

Save the world 9:20

Rocket racing 10:00

Accolades 10:53

Xp maps 11:36

Another xp map 12:11

Another xp map 14:53

Another xp map 15:23

Watch Out for XP Scams You could be BANNED


I'm at level 78. I've been playing battle Royale and a little Lego. Lego's been so much fun.


If someone can time stamp that would be so helpful I’ve left my talking points in the description so just copy them and put the time stamp to them Ty all ❤


bro is always yapping about toy box 🗣🗣🔥🔥(it's super good tho)


Actually, once you unlock all the ranked rewards Post, you also get 10k exp for every 10 storm circles you survive. So that's 25k experience every so often. Not bad.


Thanks for these tips. I already knew to do my daily quests and XP quest overall. I do also enjoy playing festival and I'm surprised that it gives this much XP. Guess I don't really notice that when playing


You forgot one of the best modes for XP which is Reload


it was 72 days during recording now it’s 70 so if i get to the xp cap on toy box every day starting today (august 24th 2024 for any future readers) i’ll get 560 levels so that would put me at 604 levels im gonna try if i remember and im not dumb


also guys if you have save the world then do your stw challenges, i did my daily and weekly challenges yesterday and got 40 battle stars for battle royal


Your fashion show game works so well, thanks!


8:25 If you download tiny task on PC and program it to do an infinite loop of jumping while in water you can afk for those 2.5 hours


Leveling up has always been easy, its just finding the right creative map that actually gives a good amount of xp, having STW (if you can), doing weeklys and daily's, you can still somewhat AFK lego as long as you move around a little bit every 10 to 12 minutes. If im actually trying to get to level 200 quick i can do it in about a week and a half


All these years and you still love doing this videos huh? Im glade ❤


the accurate answer is...

play all game modes

and boom, an easy 15 levels daily

SOURCE: I reach level 150 in 8 days


dude i used to watch you all the time back in chapter 1 and 2 I loved your videos I'm so happy I found your channel again


I can't get more than 2 levels at a reasonable time this season in creative
