What NOT to do in New York- Worst Scams/Rip-Offs To Avoid For Tourists ! (Part 2)

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We continue on our last video about NYC Tourist Traps to concentrate on even more common Tourist Scams,Rip-Offs, and Frauds.

New York Scams and Rip-Offs Chapter List:
00:00- Intro
00:30- The Hot Dog Scam
01:14- JFK Air Train Hustle
01:58- Outdoor ATM Fraud
02:34- Electronics Store Scams
03:17- Parking Rip-Offs
04:48- The Good Samaritan Hustle
05:20- Buying a Swipe Scam
05:47- Fake Metrocard Scam
05:58- Street Performer/Musician Tip Pressure
06:40- Rip-Off Comedy Shows
07:36- Fake Monk Scam
08:11- Additional Tip Rip-Off
08:38- Fake Sublet Rental Scam
09:48- The Fake Tenant Scam

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I’m a New Yorker and I can tell you that everything is a scam. The rent, the price of food, the cost of living, the oxygen. You name it. I literally make most of my food at home now because I’m fed up.


Don't give money to anybody on the street for any reason. That's my rule.


Anyone else living in NY that's just watching to see how accurate he is


Oh a fake monk went up to me once so I started speaking to him in Chinese because he dressed like a monk from China and he had a confused look on his face and then after a second or two he walked away


I’ve been really lucky since I moved here 44 years ago when the city was very scary. Basically I keep my head down walk fast like a New Yorker and do my best tough guy impression. Be aware of your surroundings and if something doesn’t feel right look for a way around it. If you get lost or need help a real New Yorker will pitch in and help you. I’ve walked many tourist to a subway or given directions if it was not too far out of my way. Deep down most of us are decent people.


I moved to New York about 8 years ago and I can say you hit everything on the head. This video is not only good for tourists but also for those who are moving there for the first time. I fell victim to renting an "illegal" apartment and I didn't even know until I was being forced out over a year later. Since being here, I've learned it's easier just to walk fast like a New Yorker, keep my head down and get to wherever I'm going, fast!


The first time the monk scam happened to me I was very upset. He kept saying be at peace and was very friendly up until I physically showed him I had no cash and his demeanor changed drastically. He ripped the bracelet right off of me and practically ran away.


Real New Yorkers will help you out of the kindness of their hearts, and will never demand anything from you.


When we were in New York a few weeks ago, we ran into the Subway Swipe scam but it was slightly different. There was a guy standing next to the 2 metro card machines, and he had the credit card / metro card slots jammed up. The guy asked us if we had cash or a credit card, and then when I said cash, he begged for us to buy him a new metro card with a few bucks on it so that he could get on the train. Thing is, we already had cards, so we needed to fill ours. With the metro card slot jammed, we couldn't fill our card. A quick jump to surface and a block walk (This was the Jay Street and MetroTech station so plenty of stations close by), we went to another station and found the attendant booth and let her know that someone was pulling a scam at the other stop. She said "Big black guy, green coat?", Yup! She got on the radio and said something like "He's back, and this time he messed up both machines." We filled our metro card and got outta there.


This happened to me in NYC. Someone showed up at my apartment at 2am and tried to open the door with a key. I had a bat in my hand to clobber them, but when I looked through the peephole I saw it was two European-looking guys, speaking French. They'd paid someone on craigslist a pile of money to sublet MY apartment. The photos they had was definitely not my apartment (I have no hot tub). Being such a nice guy, I directed them to a hostel in Queens. They later contacted me and said the hostel cost 1/4 what they paid for the fake sublet AND was quite luxurious.


My wife is from NYC and I have been there many times. It is my experience that the typical New Yorker stereotype of them being so rude is totally unfounded. It is a busy city and the people are a busy people but if you need their help or need to be involved in their services, I find them very friendly and engaging.


Do people seriously hand over $30 for a hot dog? I'd just tell him to keep the hot dog and refuse to pay.


i have a strong southern accent and it was easy 2 see i was a tourist but everyone was so nice, friendly &helpful 2 me..new yorkers get a bad rap..they good peoples!


This video makes me so happy to be living in a small city in Sweden.


I always use Parkwhiz to park in advance. I think I paid about $70 to park at a covered, valet ipark garage from Saturday at 9am until Tuesday 8pm during President’s Day weekend Much cheaper and more convenient to drive from MA for us.


Yes, fake monks. All Buddhist Monks do not go out and ask for money. If they do, it would be for food. But that doesn't happen here in NYC. It is part of a Buddhist Monk practice in other Asian countries. In Thailand, Monks rely on receiving alms for most of their food. The monks leave the monasteries early in the morning. They walk single file, oldest first, carrying their alms bowls in front of them. Laypeople wait for them, sometimes kneeling, and place food, flowers or incense sticks in the bowls.


In addition to the predatory towing, another good reason to carefully check the confusing parking signs: you will very likely get a parking ticket if there is anything wrong about your parking — you won’t get away with it — and the parking tickets here are VERY expensive, much more than in other cities, in my experience.


I scamed from ice cream truck. Its a dollar in my town and paid 50 dollars for two corned ice cream. No price was listed on truck, my family decided not visiting NYC anymore.


It is not that you just know almost everything and your videos are nice. It is also that you speak so clearly, slowly and comprehensively for us that english is not our native language. Good job man!


Ive been living in New Yorker for all my life and I’ve never seen a hot dog for $30...and who would pay for that? And I’m pretty sure every major city has scammers.
