At Russian Space Center, Putin, Kim Hold Talks That West Suspects Could Focus On Arms

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Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks on September 13 with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who offered his country's "full and unconditional support" to defend what he said was Russia's security interests.
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It's embarrassing that Russia crashed a spacecraft into the Moon a few weeks before showing off their space tech to the Korean Tyrant 😂


Putin: "Did you bring your kneepads?"
Kim: "Certainly. I thought you'd need them."


Must be humiliating for Putin to come begging to the leader of one of the poorest countries in the world.


Perfect opportunity…two shitheads standing side by side ! Two seconds could change the world !


Is this the same space centre whose satellite crashed and the man in charge.was subject to falling out of a 6th floor window


In meantime in Armenia:
Pashinyan: Due to the conflict in Ukraine, the Armenian authorities can no longer rely on the Russian Federation as a guarantor of their security.


Last night's RU bodycount: 590+ corpses
Russian KIAs up 270.3k+, WIAs up 811k+, casualties total over 1, 084, 400
. ... ... . . .. ..

Keep the mountains of corpses coming, Pile em up high.


Mr kim fell for Putins Trick. 😂 Got luck with the one Mr Kim. 😢 Your being played Sir. 😂


What's Burger boy going to do for Russia send a bunch of hamburgers along with their vodka


All filmed with Western created technologies.


Inhumane bloodlust dictatorsheepz take all in hostage


Kim could be mistaken for a Russian sub, I wonder what he is after?


You people are so full of yourselves that you can’t allow yourselves to realize the significance of what is going on here. If you are a fighting aged male I wouldn’t be so cocky right now. Our turn is coming up.


Since this is at a Space Center, consider also this latest addition to my files:


'Yes' 'No' 'Maybe'. (Check One).
Note: A non-answer is also an answer.

It does not apparently matter. Live or die, whatever.

Okay, why 'maybe'? What other information do you need to decide 'yes' or 'no'?

* NO:
Okay, that is easy then. Nature will wipe us all out given enough time one way or another.

* YES:
Many things have to be successfully accomplished, including deciding which of species on and from this Earth to save. AI robots easier to save than a single biological microbe species which is easier to save than a more complex being like humans. Initial list:

1. US Fed: (and other nations too): Have a single goal of 0% inflation. For the US Fed, take away their current dual mandate of controlling economic inflation and full employment to just taking care of economic inflation. Let the markets take care of employment.
2. Find a way to protect a species from all harmful cosmic radiation, including from things like the effects of long term neutrino impacts. While most neutrinos go right through us, not all of them do all of the time. (Currently literally impossible to fully do).
3. For biological species like humans: need to find out what 'gravity' truly is and see if we can generate artificial gravity as large rotating space ships will not really work for space bases on planets and moons. Those space bases probably being needed somewhere along the way out of this solar system and most probably collapsing spiral shaped galaxy.
4. For biological species like humans: need many more items to be continuously and successfully accomplished for the species to survive, otherwise they won't.
5. Stop all unnecessary wars. Redirect as much money and other resources from the military industrial complex and the spy industrial complex to a pro-active space complex. Space travel being the ONLY thing that will eventually save any species on and from this Earth to exist beyond this Earth. All other life forms on and from this Earth will eventually die and go extinct.
6. Stop lying to the public about life and their future so that those who want to will buy into what needs to be accomplished to try to save any life on and from this Earth to exist beyond this Earth. And the sooner one gets started, possibly the sooner life itself on and from this Earth can be saved as well as more of life itself on and from this Earth could potentially be saved.
7. Robots and robot bases on the Moon, to then help set up habitats for biological species on the Moon, so that species on and from this Earth can learn to live off of this Earth, basically in our own 'backyard' so to speak. Same basic principal could be set up on Mars and for space bases in outer space.
8. Continue to learn about how to terraform the Moon, Mars and any other habitats and do so, so that life itself on and from this Earth has other habitats to exist in.

1. ALL life on and from this Earth will eventually die and go extinct.
2. ALL life on and from this Earth will forget everything they ever knew and experienced.
3. ALL life on and from this Earth will be forgotten one day in future eternity as if they never ever existed at all in the first place.
4. ALL life on and from this Earth would be ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
5. ALL life on and from this Earth would be ultimately just a waste of spacetime in this universal existence.
6. It would not even ultimately matter that ALL of life itself even ever existed on this Earth in the first place much less however it existed while it existed.
7. Think about it. ALL life, real and artificial, on and from this Earth, will eventually die and go extinct, will forget everything, and will be forgotten as no life would be left to care. Currently, no exceptions.

1. If anybody has any pertinent information that might change the above, I welcome it.
2. Above subject to revision as new pertinent information might dictate.
