Flow Hive Hack - How to build your own flow hive for 400.00. Flow hive tips and tricks. Save Money.

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Build your own flow hive 2. Save money. 6 (Six) Flow hive and Flow Hive 2 tips, tricks, and hacks to save you time and money. Learn how to make your own flow hive as well as get the most from your current flow hive. This video will share six tips and tricks to harness the power of the flow hive to improve your honey harvest and save valuable time and money. No need to spend a thousand dollars on a Flow Hove when you can build your own flow hive or flow hive 2 for $400.00. If you have any flow hive tips, tricks, or hacks that have not been featured in this video please share them with me and I will include them in future videos. This video is for beekeepers and non-beekeepers alike who are interested in the flow hive system to raise their bees and harvest their honey.

If you are considering installing a sustainable or edible landscape or becoming a beekeeper or starting beekeeping as a hobby this is the channel for you. I will show you everything I learned in my first years of beekeeping and you can learn with me as I experience and overcome the challenges I encounter in my second year and beyond. I will also feature some how-to videos because I am perpetually curious and creative and am always building something.

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#beekeeping #honeybee #flowhive
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I think I’m going to build these for my other 2 hives. I have 1 flow hive and love it. This is by far the best budget flow hive build video I’ve seen. Been watching your videos for a year or so and look forward to them every week. Keep up the good work 👍👍


Been considering this system for a few months. The drawback has been the prices, but with these ideas i am stoked... time to modify and get to work on honey production. Thanks a million for you video.


My son and I have been talking about setting up a flow hive for next year. I'll be putting together all the goodies over the winter and getting it ready to go for next spring. Your hacks and tips will come in handy during the construction process. Thanks Bug Farmer! Just 🐝 Happy!


Thank you so very much! There is a hive I want to catch in the Spring. Have wanted a Flow Hive since I found this gentle hive. Really cannot afford it You are making it possible.
Revising shopping list now...😊
I read the comment about the bees increasing in number. I will pass along your video and queen cells/splits to folks in my area who want to take up beekeeping, as 2 hives is all I can handle.


This fellow is di best. No gimmicks, just straightforward, practical and so helpful and joy to listen to his style of talking.


Thanks so much. One aspect of DIY construction of base for Flow hives is raising the front end to create the tilt necessary to get the gravity draining during harvest to work.


Hey mate.
Great Vid.
If I can make a suggestion, the extraction gap can be way smaller than flow make it. Just enough to put the extraction tubes in. It should help with keeping box rigidity.
I find using it as a view port quite pointless. You should always take the frames out & inspect them prior to extraction.
I also place a mat underneath the flow box during extraction, so that any leaking honey doesn’t go into the brood box (specifically the queen).
Also, I’ve replaced the peaked flow lid with a standard flat lid.


Thanks so much. I think the flow hive is a great way to go for the small beekeeper. You do not have to buy an extractor, strainers and put so much time in extracting the honey.


Thank you for the great flow hive hacks.
I was looking at the diagram of the flow hive frames, and they seem to be 51 mm or 2 inches wide. The cell body width seems to be 38 mm or 1 1/2 inches. This is a 12.7 mm or 1/2-inch larger honey cell storage size than a typical super frame honey cell of 25.4 mm or 1 inch. This would leave about 1/2-inch space for the bee space with 1/4 inch on each side of the frame cells. When you put the flow frames together, then you would have two 1/4-inch spaces together for a total of 1/2 inch bee space between the flow cells which is larger than the typical 3/8 total bee space and results in the bees making extra wax comb and cross comb. Although we would want to keep the 3/8-inch bee space in the brood box. The larger 1/2 space seems to work well for the flow frames.
What is your experience with the bees using the Flow Frames and do they make any extra wax or cross comb? Thank you


If there is anything I like better than a Flow Hive it a less expensive flow hack. Great video.


The OEM Flow Frame is 6 for $389 + shipping now, things are getting expensive!!! Thanks for the tip, I'll have to check ebay.


Excellent hacks. I am looking into bee keeping. Looks like fun and helps the environment. Though I want to buy the whole Flow Hive, but thr cost is pretty astronomical.

Love your videos. Quick and Easy and we'll explained.


Thank you for these tips. My wife wants a flow hive and I about had a heart attack at the price. This may be the perfect solution. Although I just check honey flow for price for 6 frames. They are now $400. Good grief. Keep up the good videos.


Hopefully we can get an update on current pricing now too.


Impressive! I will definitely have to follow. Any and all tips are appreciated!


You definitely get a thumbs up from me. What great info. Thank you for sharing.


Whole lot of info in one video!!! Thank you!
Please keep it up


Straight forward and concise! Great video!


Omg great idea on the legs. Now I just found a use for this 3 old super boxes sitting around


WOW !! Excellent video - someone who uses common sense!
Thank you for this *VERY USEFUL* information!
