Fame Is Different Than What People Think

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Steve Harvey explains what it's like to be famous.
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Many people ask for fame but never really thinks about the pros and cons of fame. I'm glad he elaborated on that type of lifestyle.


And that ladies and gentlemen is the pain of being famous:

Saying something serious/deep/meaningful yet people brush that off and clap their hands!!


even though he is coming across harmless and funny, i feel a lot of pain and frustration there and it honestly saddens me :(


its a sacrifice to be famous, i like money, i dont like fame, rather be rich than famous any day, even local fame sucks, rather be unknown than popular .


When I was in high school I was always super quiet and then I was doing these spot on voice impressions and there were so many people surrounding me loving it so much, felt good for a moment... then it kinda started becoming a daily request for them and after a while I kinda stopped doing them cuz the attention was eating away my privacy and made me reflect on the whole reason why all the attention was so easy and it didn't really make me fulfilled. That's when I said to myself " Being famous?? I don't know if I could do this everyday..."

Fulfillment comes from within... and not from External things 💯 so happy I learned this early


People think they want fame...but they really mean is they want the perks of fame...and to just feel - RELEVANT. Human nature has a thing about being relevant. It's our natural gravitation to ego.


I like how he offers this perspective for famous people it really does seem like they gained fame but lost part of their freedom


They can’t go out because of TMZ their everywhere 😂


i dont like steve advice about life.. but THIS one SPOT ON!!!


I heard of some celebrities try wearing a disguise when going out in public.


The poor can't go to the movies and the amusement park because the tickets cost too much so that's a worse existence. Well you can go to the mall, you just cant buy anything


This is exactly why I'd rather be rich than famous. All these actors, artist etc. Have tons of money but they can't go outside and enjoy something that I could go do rn, they can't go to dinner or even get married without the whole world getting involved, people need to realize that all these celebs may smile and laugh in front of a camera but when they have nothing to do they just stay home because they aren't allowed a normal life. It honestly would be awesome to be famous as an actor but after a few months or even years you'll realize that you want to go back to your normal life, just because they are known by everyone doesn't mean they are happy. On the inside they are miserable and have to distract themselves with hobby's like cooking or reading instead of dealing with the trauma they have definitely experienced from working a 24/7 job then being stalked by fans in your very little free time


What profit a man to gain the whole world but loose his soul Steve is miserable like the rest don't be fooled he just can't say it


i love that hes keeping it real in this video


I would think that more than ever, people can see the pitfalls of fame, but the benefits make it a tempting tradeoff. If you're famous, for whatever reason, there will be some people who despise you and think you are a piece of shit and there are some people who will adore you. That much has got to feel weird. Famous people tend to have a lot of money though and I wouldn't mind the financial security more than anything.


Thanks for sharing that Steve! I do know there's probably some parts of the world you can get away to once in awhile. I certainly wouldn't want that level of fame, but you can do the world good with it!


I wish get the chance to speak with celebrities I’ll treat them with love and compassion and ask them how there day is going.. I only met one rapper and was asking him non sense questions
Ppl as we yell and scream there names we have to remember these are regular ppl who got themselves caught up in the 👁 matrix
Appreciate the lifestyle u have fame ain’t for everyone


Part of being a liked famous person is to act humble about it so that the masses who are not famous can relate with them meaning they are liked more. If you asked them to give the fame and status up, they will never do it.


"... you all like eating, don't you?" 😂


i'd hate to be famous. i want to go places ANONYMOUSLY. i want to be able to travel, ANONYMOUSLY. to surf, ANONYMOUSLY.

what a FUCKING ** LUXURY **. to be able to DO SO. it is so so so so so. good. SO . GOOD.
