Cooperation to avert climate change - with Gianluca Grimalda

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The path of the EOF school 2022 continues, and so does the dialogue between the world of plants and humans. This path and this dialogue do not want to impose human categories on plants, nor do they want to do the opposite. Listening to plants for a new economic paradigm means learning another language that allows us to think about the most pressing issues of our world, including climate change deterioration, while looking at plants as a source for inspiration without forgetting that we are humans and that we interact with our fellows within a house that was entrusted to us by grace and not by merit. This is why, in this second edition of the EoF school, we go back and forth: from fundamental economic problems to plants and vice-versa. Professor Grimalda's lesson will help us set another point in the ping-pong between the world of plants and economics, specifically by applying the methods of behavioral economics.
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