Understanding English But Can't Speak? Here's Why and How to Fix It

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In this video, I will share my thoughts on a topic where I will reflect on our education system and the methods that lead us to "mute" English. Additionally, I'll provide tips to improve your English-speaking skills.
I hope this video will prove both helpful and inspiring! If you enjoy it, don't forget to give me a like and subscribe!

00:00 Intro
01:29 Why can we understand English but can't speak it?
05:31 6 tips to fix it
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This is great, very interesting. In a previous work life I met many Asian (mostly Chinese and Korean) students here in Ireland and it was striking how little connection there was between their formal qualifications in English and their actual ability to communicate. I know a few who are 'fluent' according to their IELTS or CELTA but really struggle in many situations, even after many years living here - they can't break out of their textbook 'box' to speak normally. But I've also met many who from day 1 are very comfortable in normal communication despite often just basic formal learning. I've become convinced that Stephen Krashen is correct that formal learning languages can often be counterproductive. The important thing is to relax and find material you enjoy. Talk if you are an extrovert - if you struggle with social aspects, then just read a lot of fun books and watch lots of fun tv shows or whatever. My best Chinese friend made a huge breakthrough when she started reading the mystery novels she loved in English, I could immediately hear how she improved.


This video is not just for people who is trying to be fluent in English but it actually applies on any language you are learning. I'm good at English and I'm recently learning german and I find the video really helpful ❤ thank you Zoe ❤


you seem so happy and radiant in this video!! thanks zoe, your work is amazing as always


I can't thank you enough, I'm a spanish native speaker but currently I'm able to understand everything you say... I've been watching your videos for a while now, and they've helped me a lot in my development... I'm not a fluent English speaker yet, but I think that I can reach it.


As always your videos are incredible! Thank you for sharing. So true that you have to balance between input and output


Thank you, Zoe.I'm an university student from chinese, I learned spoken English for almost a month.I learned a lot from your videos. The change in English every day also makes me happy.Now I try to think better in English, and look for a native English speaker to be partner .I hope I can make my spoken English better and better through the methods in your video.~Thank you so much~


This is the perfect video for my friend, she’s from Mexico 🇲🇽 but learned English by translating her favorite One Direction songs, her problem though is just that: being able to understand English but not speak it. Thanks Zoe, this will help her 😊!


Thanks for your hard work on this video. It was beneficial for me.
I have always practiced my spoken English by myself. I never try to speak English to another person. I think I speak English to another person. I always fear grammar. I make a lot of mistakes.
You motivated me in this language journey.
You are saying about a cat with a sentence to create the best method for grammar and vocabulary to boost up to us.


너무나 이쁘고 박학다식하고 다양한 언어를 자유롭게 구사하셔서 어메이징 합니다. 하늘이 내린 재능을 가지고 계신 것 같아요. 👍👍👍


Zoe I would recommend language Transfer. It helps understanding a language finding similarities with English. It makes you think about it and hearing how the teacher explaines a language learner how to understand and form frases. I'd love to see a video about Language Transfer


Amazing stuff, Zoe, thank you very much


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:00 🌟 Personal language learning journey from China to France, reflecting on English skills.
01:18 📚 Critique of traditional educational methods focusing on textbooks, grammar, and exams.
03:08 🗣️ Balancing language input and output, emphasizing practical application and speaking practice.
04:32 👥 Recommendations for improving speaking skills: language partners and teachers.
06:01 💬 Overcoming fear of speaking, embracing mistakes, and positive mindset.
07:22 📖 Using textbooks effectively, creating meaningful sentences, and journaling.
09:16 🎧 Enjoyable listening practices, reading out loud, and online open classes.
10:39 🌐 Learning languages online, using the internet's resources to practice effectively.


안녕하세요 Zoe.
(Hello, Zoe.
I'm glad to see you.)

저는 한국에 사는 김광현이라고 해요.
언어학을 공부해보려고 하는데 매우 유용한 정보네요, 고마워요.
(My name is Kim Kwanghyun and I live in Korea.
I'm trying to study linguistics, which is very useful information, thank you.)

저는 언어학을 공부하면서도 단전호흡과 명리학(命理學)을 동시에 공부하고 있어요.
(I'm studying linguistics, but I'm studying Danjeon breathing and Myeongri(命理學)at the same time.)

1.언어학을 공부하는 이유는 외국인들과 소통을 잘하면 제가 하고자 하는 일에 도움이 될 것 같아서에요.
(1. The reason why I study linguistics is because I think it will help me do what I want to do if I communicate well with foreigners.)

2.단전호흡을 공부하는 이유는 몸, 마음, 정신의 건강과 자아정체성을 찾기 위해서에요. 시작한지는 10년이 넘었고 수련생을 가르치는 선생님을 하고 있어요.
(2. The reason why I study Danjeon breathing is to find the health and self-identity of my body, mind, and mind. It has been more than 10 years since I started and I am a teacher who teaches trainees.)

3.Fusion명리학(명리학+IT)을 공부하는 이유는 사람마다 태어난 날짜와 시간, 그리고 잠잘때 자세를 알면 성격, 외모, 부, 명예, 권력 등 타고난 능력들과 그것들이 발현되는 시점을 아주 자세하게 알아낼 수 있어요.
예를 들면 "공자"와 비슷한 운명을 타고난 사람이 있는데 그사람의 공부운명만 보자면 27살부터 머리가 똑똑해져서 47살까지 천재적인 두뇌가 발현된다는 것입니다.
(3. The reason why I study Fusion Myeongriology (Famousology + IT) is that if I know the date and time of birth, and the sleeping posture of each person, I can find out in detail my natural abilities such as personality, appearance, wealth, honor, and power, and when they are expressed.
For example, there is a person who is born with a fate similar to that of a "prince, " and if you look at his or her study fate, he or she becomes smart from the age of 27 to the age of 47.)

이런 부분들을 활용하면 내가 어느 시점에 어떤 공부를 하면 좋은지, 또는 어느 시점에 사업을 하면 좋은지, 성격은 언제부터 좋아지는지 등 그 외에 사항들을 아주 세밀하고 정확하게 알 수 있어서 삶에 도움이 될 수 있어요.
(If you use these parts, you can know at what point you should study, when you should do business, and when your personality starts to improve, so it can be helpful in your life.)

저는 저를 비롯해서 유명인들과 주변인들의 운명을 알아보면서 정확한 데이터를 산출해내는 법을 지속적으로 연구해왔어요.
(I have continuously studied how to produce accurate data by looking into the fate of celebrities and people around me.)

Zoe. 부탁을 드려요.
당신이 원한다면 태어난 생일이 언제인지 몇시쯤에 태어났는지 잠자는 자세가 바로자는지 엎드려자는지 옆으로자는지 알려준다면 지나온운명과 앞으로 일어날 운명에 대해 자세한 내용을 이메일로 보내줄게요.
(Zoe, please.
If you want, let me know when your birthday is, what time you were born, whether you sleep on your stomach or side, and I'll email you with details of your past and future fate.)

저의 공부에 도움을 주세요.
부탁드릴게요. 고마워요.
(Please help me with my studies. Thank you)


Great video as always Zoe, I wonder what your thoughts on accent practice and does it really work


Great advice! This approach works well for learning any language, not just English.


thanks a bunch, you are so weet, and your way to teach, is very helpful and of course useful


مرحبا زوي.
أنت أكثر من رائعة.
انا اتابع فيديو دائما .
أسمي سوزان واعيش في المانيا ايضا .
انت فعلا ملهمة في تعلم اللغات
أريد ان أشكرك جدا.
أكتب لك باللغة العربية لأنك تتحدثي اللغة العربية.
أتمنئ لك يوم جميل


Great video, Zoe! And also very motivating. It's totally possible and helpful to apply this approach for other languages. Recently, I've been talking to myself as a way to improve my speaking skills and I can confirm that helps a lot!


You are a very beautiful Chinese lady, Zoe and your videos on language learning are super helpful ❤❤❤. I speak some English, and I didn't even know that "mute English" existed. I started watching movies I most love in English to level up my overall skills in the language. I can understand most English speakers whatever their accent in order to improve my listening skills so that I can speak better, more accurately and fearlessly. English has a very simple grammar compared to several languages, but many people, anywhere in the world, are still struggling to speak and master it. It should be really easy, as it was meant to be, but it actually takes a lot of time and practice. This applies to any language you want to learn. I do practice my English speaking skills very often, but I would not become proficient in the language if I stopped working on it. It's important to note that getting messy in one's learning style is advisable to look for fluency when it comes to language learning.


Your points apply to all languages. Thank you
