WinCC Unified V16 Faceplate: Part 3/9, open a Faceplate as PopUp from a second Faceplate

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In this Video I show you how you can create PopUps with Faceplates.

WinCC Unified V16 Faceplate: Part 2/9, create a Faceplate and connect it to a UDT
WinCC Unified V16 Faceplate: Part 3/9, open a Faceplate as PopUp from a second Faceplate
WinCC Unified V16 Faceplate: Part 4/9 open a Faceplate as PopUp from each screen object
WinCC Unified V16 Faceplate: Part 5/9, use the property interface for color change
WinCC Unified V16 Faceplate: Part 6/9, use the property interface to connect a "Resource list"
WinCC Unified V16 Faceplate: Part 7/9, manage the Faceplate instances and rewire them
WinCC Unified V16 Faceplate: Part 8/9, closed the Faceplate Popups after a screen change
WinCC Unified V16 Faceplate: Part 9/9, rewire the Faceplate interface during Runtime

#DerHecht #WinCC #Unified #TIAPortal
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Hello Derhecht have you managed to open a third and forth popup still while closing the previous popups while still maintaining a connection to the UDT? If so how did you manage to do it?


Hi DerHecht, thank you for your very very usefull videos .
Is there any possibility to relative positioning open PopUp window by the Faceplate position or mouse click position ?


How you transfer the faceplate tags to popupup faceplate?


Dear Derhecht,

How do you set or reset a bit of the UDT in the second faceplate popup with a button?
The script does nothing...
I have placed the script at "Click left mouse button". Also with "Press" it has no effect.
What am I doing wrong?


DerHecht4.0 thanks for this helpful videos!!
I am doing the same thing like you in tis video, but I need to find a way to make this popup window fixed (not movable), and also I need to find a way how to define the postiton where this popup window is going to show up on the screen. I know you can define this when you call the popup window but I do not want fixed values, I would like to connect postion of popup faceplate to be relativ to position of the first faceplate from where you acticate it.
I need this beacuse I will using faceplate for valve 10-15 times on one screeen and i do not want al popups to open on the same place on the screen, I would like this faceplate popup to appear near the valve it is connected to.
Do you have any suggesting how this can be done???


Hi DerHecht4.0,

I have one problem. I am using this scrip to call popup window

let po = Faceplate.OpenFaceplateInPopup("AI_PopUp", Tags("AI_STATUS.Name").Read(), true, false);

In Tag "AI_STATUS.Name" is saved name of my sensor.
When call my popup in simulation everthing works good, I get sensor name in the frame of my popup, but I have problems on the really HMI Unifed panel.

When I open sensor popup for the first time I get name of the sensor in the frame of the popup, but when I call it again there is no more sensor name in the popup frame.
How can I solve this, to get name every time I call some popup?


How do i resize a faceplate in a screen? When i draw a faceplate of 500x500 pixels and i want this same faceplate with 250x250 pixels. I get sliders on bottom and right side.


Please, how to moving faceplate in the screen???


hi, in my runtime buttons are not visible, also click event is not working


jo verwandter in spee warum keine stimme so geht das nicht
