How to Fuzz Web Applications with OWASP ZAP (Part 2)

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Twitter: @webpwnized

The webpwnized YouTube channel is dedicated to information security, security testing and ethical hacking. There is an emphasis on web application security but many other topics are covers. Some of these include forensics, network security, security testing tools and security testing processes. The channel provides videos to encourage software developers and system administrators to perform security testing. Also, the channel educates the next generation of security testers and bug bounty hunters who want to respectfully, legally and ethically help system owners that allow security testing.
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Question : how to persist fuzzer results after closing ZAP ?
Because even the current session is saved after opening it again we can't find the fuzzer result.
i tried the export function but it doesn't save the responses, if i'm not messing something.
thanks a gain for this playlist.


How do you know which one is the user or group ID?
