Vadim Dolgov European Art Tour

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Vadim Dolgov European Art Tour
Painting 'Flowers' 60'x40' by Vadim Dolgov
'South France harbor' painting on canvas
Seaside serenity
Life-story collage painting
'Countryside', 30'x 60', oil on canvas.
TIAF show 2013, Hazelton Gallery.
'Apple tree blossoms' 40'x 60' acrylic on canvas
'Pond of illusion' 48'x60' painting process
'Full moon rising' painting process. Part 2.
'Full moon rising' painting process. Part 1.
Anna Monika by Paul Dolgov
The Pont de Europe - Caillebotte | Art Reproduction Oil Painting
European Art (Epi. 1) | Conversations With A Curator
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