How to instal emmet in sublime text editor

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Emmet (formerly known as Zen Coding in Sublime Text 3) is a set of plug-ins for text editors that allow for high-speed coding and editing in HTML, XML, XSL, and other structured code formats via content assist.
Emmet is an IDE agnostic toolkit that adds an amazing amount of functionality to many of the most popular text editors around, using simple CSS-like syntax. I used to use PHPStorm exclusively, but have been trying out Sublime Text 3 recently and really like a lot of the features, but some additional shortcuts would make me much more productive.
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Emmet is an IDE agnostic toolkit that adds an amazing amount of functionality to many of the most popular text editors around, using simple CSS-like syntax. I used to use PHPStorm exclusively, but have been trying out Sublime Text 3 recently and really like a lot of the features, but some additional shortcuts would make me much more productive.
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