Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers? SeanMcDowell.org

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DESCRIPTION: Why does God answer some prayers but not others? Why does He seem to ignore my prayers? Sean briefly answers these questions.
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Ive seen people completely deny God and Jesus, commit adultery on a regular basis, leave their spouse, and run off with a married person who cheated on their spouse also. They prosper and live a very peaceful and prosperous life. Ive seen gay men marry another man and have a peaceful and prosperous life, and adopt a child and raise it in that atmosphere. Why are they doing so well and faithful christians not living with prosperity and peace? Having a horrible life.


God has never once answered any of my prayers. I've prayed for myself, others and even random things to show me the slightest sign he is there. For over 30 years I've been a faithful Christian by the book.


I’ve been praying for help for a very long, long time and got no answer.

I’m seeking help to get out of an uncomfortable circumstance for 13+ years, with no answers, then why should I continue praying for myself and others?


It's very disheartening when my mom who has been a faithful Christian her whole life and she is in the most excruciating pain and she still hasn't been healed.


As a Catholic, I feel inclined to pray for all the sick people I know and meet. But unfortunately they succumb to the illnesses. Why won't God answer my prayers for others. These are not selfish prayers. Please don't say it's because Catholicism is wrong.


Some of the worst people have the greatest health and prosperity and they didn't have to ask God once for any of it. God has never said yes to me to help me with my circumstances so how can I trust him with everlasting life? A 2000 year old book with talking donkeys and guys who go for a ride in a great fish aren't enough for him to earn my faith. If he insists of hiding himself from me then he has to have some other significant interaction with me.


I prayed for this kid with Brain Cancer, lots of people did. He died today, GOD didnt save him or cure him of the horrible disease that he suffered with.

There are innocent people, lots of Children who are raped and killed every day, some by their own parent's.

You cant tell me that GOD doesnt know because nobody is praying for them...but if I ask for forgiveness its yeah sure, if GOD created us then he should be able to see us and hear us.


It’s not like I want him to give me something, I just want him to answer me and talk to me. Even if what he has to say is “I can’t talk right now”. That’s better than nothing. I don’t want to read “signs” either; I want him to communicate clearly and directly. I want a conversation. I want him to explain.


I really needed to hear this, it really gave me a perspective I was missing. It's so amazing how the Lord directs us to, or has the right message and words to bring us to the knowledge we are seeking when we're struggling exactly when we are seeking it.


When you pray, never focus on your problems—always—ask for the right remedy. Let the Creator bring you the right solutions which your human mind is incapable of thinking up.

Never tell God how ill you are. Concentrate on the Power you are receiving immediately into your condition (although your consciousness may be too densely human to feel it) and give thanks for your swift recovery and believe in it.

Never pray and then go out of your room and tell people how ill you feel, or how terrible the personal or national situation is. If you have asked God to solve your problems, finances or poor health, what an "insult" to God to continue to bring up past negative conditions? You immediately undo the work God is engaged in.


I have been in chronic pain for 50 years why doesn't God help me?


Why doesn't god reveal himself? All he would need to do is show up. In the past it was blasphemy to even ask the question! We all need to grow up and get rid of religion.


Funny thing is, We as Humans we never asked to be Created in this Earth. What Happens God puts Fallen Angels to afflict Humans with Sufferings and Diseases. So God can Test Humanity for his own Pleasure Which this is not a Justice God but a Evil being,


So God only answers when we pray for somebody else is that what you're saying why the hell would I pray for somebody else when he can't answer my prayers for me


Wow... this comment section worries me. God does not owe us anything. If you have food, clean water, shelter, safety, freedom, access to healthcare, and salvation you have more than the vast majority of people throughout history and more than some living around the world today. Most of the prayers in the Bible centered around these basics that we all take for granted each day. I think we all need to pray for wisdom, a grateful spirit, and perhaps a dose of humility.


In other words, just praise and thank God, but don't ask him for anything. Also, 0:13 freemason hand sign, he does it a few times in this video.


But according to the Bible He love us but why don’t he answer them 😢🤦


He does.
At about at the same rate as praying to an empty milk jug.


If you pray for destruction death and mayhem they're almost immediately answered.🤷


Did anyone else notice his Illuminati hand gestures when he was speaking
