Exploring the Controversial Arizona Ab*rti*n Ban: Tracing Back to the 1864 Law

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Delve into the contentious Arizona abortion ban and its historical roots in the 1864 law. Join the conversation on reproductive rights, choice, and the ongoing debate.

#Arizona #GOP #ProChoice #ProLife #ReproductiveRights #roevswade #HistoricalContext #Controversy
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I thought someone getting elected with as many scandals as Trump had was the most shocked I could be by the US. But this walk back on womens rights is literally unbelievable.


Birth rates are down and AB is actually up. OBGYNs exited Texas en masse and families and young women who might move there are reconsidering it. What women actually want is very clear. They just aren't listening. I always think about that story with the free pet in Asia. Your incentive to have a human baby is a dog baby. 2 babies 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ Not anything women told you they wanted.


Thank you for this great and informative video, Burb! Each time I see another of these laws, I get more relieved I had my tubes removed. I am 23, and I never had kids. I was so lucky to find a doctor who actually respected me as an adult and respected my decisions!


There is a great book called Nurses, Midwives and Whotes by Barbara Ehrenich which was published in the 1970s and 1980s that covers all of this in detail. Up until very recently the practice of midwifery was illegal in many states because of the medical associations' power. Midwifery became more acceptable again in the late 1980s because white women of priviledge wanted to have more natural birth expereineces. It was consumer demand at first, and later necessity second because the practice of OBGYN medicine is so fraught with risk and liabilty and even before Dobbs many fled the specialty. One good thing that came out of Obama care was the funding of paraprofessional medical schools and programs. There is a serious shortage of good doctors across the country. I'm an elder living n AZ and the only way I get to see an MD is if I am willing to wait six months for an appointment. I kid you not.


Have a coworker who broke her tailbone giving birth, because the hospital want women doing it laying on their backs for hospital convenience...


Wow, thanks for bringing this topic up! I had no idea about the history behind this. Thanks for educating us on these important matters!


I read somewhere that American pronatalism came from both Colonialism and wyt supremacy. Early on the Founding Fathers wanted to stretch America “from sea to shining sea” and urged wyt people to go west and have lots of babies to populate and also to exterminate Indigenous people. The 2nd Amendment and gun industry armed civilians to be mass murderers and to keep Africans enslaved.
Thomas Jefferson really wanted to corner the lucrative fur trade with China, which is partly why he sent Lewis and Clark out west.
The Founding Fathers were also land speculators and made a fortune preselling Native lands to incoming colonists. When King George made that proclamation of everything west of the Appalachians being Native land Washington and them were in a bind. They’d already sold land out there. That’s one reason for the revolution that’s not discussed in most history classes.


Thanks for the history lesson, it was some surprising yet unsurprising information
