FENTANYL KILLS: Allison Scroggins' Story

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Naloxone, the active ingredient in 4mg Narcan and higher dose 8mg Kloxxado, along with many generic versions, can reverse an opioid overdose if administered quickly enough. Some areas have Naloxone available for free. Google it.

Learn more about the dangers of illicit fentanyl at:

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My son, Nicholas Joseph Bell, died on September 24, 2021 when he took a pill he thought was Xanax but it turned out to be fentanyl. He was by himself in a hotel room in Tijuana and we couldn’t help him. Rest in Peace to my baby and to yours 🥲


My son died 2 years ago, last week my best friend’s daughter passed the same way. This is a nightmare. My deepest condolences. In both our cases, both kids were put on life support but brain dead. My son saved 5 lives in 3 states.


I just want to tell you that I am 10 months sober and I can’t explain it but watching these videos really really help me from not relapsing. Hearing from the families point of view and seeing the pain it has caused them hurts my heart so much and I never want to chance my family having to do that. God Bless you and thank you very much for sharing your story. ❤


This woman is so lucid and well spoken in a clever no-nonsense way.
My heart breaks for her.


If Allison was anything like her mother then she was an amazing person. The way she’s handled this terrible tragedy says a lot about her character.


My daughter died 4 months ago from fentanyl poisoning.. it’s devastating. My life will never be the same. Love and prayers to this mom and every family that’s gone through this 🩷


I am 6 years clean from heroin/fentanyl and I've lost all of my friends to this terrible disease, I just lost my best friend last week to fentanyl. I wish all of this could just stop. 😢 People need to know that recovery is possible and it feels so good to be on the other side and healthy. Rip to your daughter ❤


These stories are so heartbreaking to hear. I think it’s so important, the work this channel is doing to bring awareness to this epidemic…


I lost my 36 year old son 4 months ago due to Fentanyl..My only son..my sunshine. Only God has me standing


I lost my son 2 months ago to an overdose. Toxicology hasn’t come back yet but they suspect fentanyl. I feel your loss. It’s a sudden death. The grief is different. It really changes your world. I send my condolences.


I really like this mother. She’s realistic and brave.


Thank you for addressing the significance of the effects on a sibling. I lost my sister. We were a year apart and she was my only sibling. We shared everything. We even had our own language. She was 23 and I was 24. It devastating me to my core.


My daughter OD’d on fentanyl but thank God her friend had Narcan so she didn’t die 🙏🏻 This is every parent’s nightmare 😢 Prayers for this mom.


Nowadays if young people make bad decisions and take a pill, it will prob cost them their lives versus back in the day when more than likely the worse things that could've happened was parents grounding you, getting arrested, throwing up, etc.


It’s refreshing to hear a mother place part of the blame on her deceased daughter for taking the pill that ended her life. So many parents blame everyone but the deceased. I’m sorry for the loss of this young woman.


I’m the grandmother of 8. My eldest grandchild is 22. I cannot fathom getting a pill from anyone without knowing absolutely it was from the pharmacy. This laxness in today’s youth blows my mind. Oxy is a huge powerful pain med. I’ve had surgery and I can’t believe someone would get one from another person. I sincerely hope young people become less trusting and more vigilant about their health safety.


Everytime I see a new story about this horrific poison my stomach drops. My sincerest condolences on behalf of beautiful Allison.🙏🏻


Having 4 kids - im terrified for them to grow up . I thank all these parents for bringing awareness. I take every word of advice and I’ll always try and spread awareness where I can


I’m certain, these families are saving lives. These videos need to be in every school in this country. These kids have no clue that 1 pill can kill them because they have no clue what they are taking. It’s not worth it. Thank you for sharing your baby girls story. I’m so sorry for your loss🙏🏾❤️


All of these stories are heart breaking. They need to be played on ALL news stations to make people aware. God Bless these families. Many prayers 🙏
