Why Does God Allow Suffering | 3 Reasons: Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen | Job Bible Study

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Why does God allow Suffering? Why does God allow pain and evil? Here are 3 REASONS that answer, why does God allow bad things to happen.

When facing pain and suffering, some are tempted to ask, why does God hate me? In this short Bible devotion / Bible Study, Pastor Nelson offers 3 reasons that help to answer the quesions so many struggle with.

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*** Scriptures on Pain and Suffering:

Job 1:21 (ESV)
“The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”

Matthew 22:37–39
37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Romans 5:3–4
3 Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,

2 Corinthians 1:3–4
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

*** Transcript:

Why does God allow suffering? Why does bad things happen to good people? You can’t but help to ask those questions as you read the book of Job. Here’s a man, who experienced a kind of suffering most struggle even to imagine. But if God is good, if God is all powerful, why does God allow suffering?

There’s several reasons, but here’s three:

( 1 Freewill :: Matthew 22:37-39 )
First, in a world cursed by sin, filled with humans who sin, pain and suffering from one to another inevitable. The only way to stop that, would be to remove our freewill, and control us like robots preprogramed never to do wrong. But because God is love, and He desires us to genuinely love Him and others, He has given us freewill, a great gift… but with the potential of great consequences.

( 2 Strengthen :: Romans 5:3-4 )
A Second, reason why God allows suffering is that, He uses those times to strengthen our faith. Like a muscle, to grow, it has to be stretched and stressed, even torn, because when it heals, it heals stronger. Faith is no different. By going to God, seeking his will and strength, our struggles become our tools, to grow closer to God, and grow in Christ likeness.

( 3 Help Others :: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 )
Third, and I believe this one is key to understanding why God allowed Job to suffer so much, is God allows suffering in our lives so that we can help others who suffer. When a Christian experiences the pain of losing a child, the struggle of addiction, or that injustice of crimes committed against them, and they turn to God for help and healing, they learn a lesson no text book can teach. Their experience, allows them the ability to instruct others how to trust God through life’s darkest storms. Just think of how many have been helped through Job’s suffering.

No matter what you face, pray for the strength to face it like Job saying: “The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” (Job 1:21)

That’s todays Bible Munch

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I wonder if you can keep me in your prayers I am unemployment. I'm looking for a full time career. If you can remember me when you pray thank you God bless you.


Wow, I'm continually amazed at just how impeccable God's timing is! I really needed to hear this message - right at this particular moment, on this particular night. Thank you so much for your ministry which is a blessing to so many! ❤


Thank you, Pastor Nelson, for giving such encouragement to a very asked question! Blessing to you, your family and your flock!


It’s not free will if he sends you to hell for making bad decisions, that’s not love


great video. people always ask me this and as I'm a relatively new Christian, i find it hard to keep the conversation about this going. especially when they get aggressive about it. so thanks. this helps a lot.


My son has been in severe pain from a whip lash accident from when he was 10. He has so much pain that he often can not sleep, or even keep food down. He can not turn his head or bend over in any way because it triggers this excruciating pain. There is no cure - and he does not want to be on pain medication. He has been in this condition for 20 years. He is house bound because any movement triggers more pain.
In spite of all this, my son is a dedicated Christian. He feels guilty that he can not do more to serve God.
I wonder about the reason for this suffering. My son's faith in God and Christ as Savior does not waver despite the pain. Maybe his life is a testimony of His love for our Savior despite his medical condition.


No stop I understand letting happen once but some people love him and pray for comfort and he's absentee and indifferent time after time after time I'm a believer but it fading by this constant bombardment


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Amen, give all the glory to God...And thank you for your devoted work...Blessings to you !


i chose to watch this because my father died just now and its really hard to get over a massive train wreck on your life whether you're young these events still happen, hope my dad found door to heaven.


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Blessing, my brother in Christ.... thank you 4 this one..!


This is a great video to help people understand this difficult question. Thanks!


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My cousin's baby died today. Thanks for this. I needed the reminder. All I could think of was Job. This is awesome confirmation. Please remember my family. The baby's name was Jase. Today was his due date.


Very powerful message. You already realize God is speaking & teaching through you. I have to admit, if God didn't allow pain & suffering, I wouldn't pray. I wouldn't seek Him. I wouldn't even feel the need. Worst ever....I wouldn't become like Him!


It's like making a sword. You put it through heat, the hammer, and more to make a strong sword.


thank you guys, this really helped me


Thank you for this video. I'm trying to figure out the Christian religion, but so far my efforts have been in vain. It's strange that I always feel the urge to have to be closer to God but am not convinced at all. The more I look at these videos, the more I talk to my Christian friends, the more I, sorry for the wording, find this religion selfish and cruel.
So basically Christians are supposed to embrace the fact that certain people are meant to die, so that those who didn't die can have their faith strengthened? The entire elementary school got shot up because some jerk decided they want to mess with their freewill. That's sad but thanks to God, we're gonna get through this. 200 kids got shot in their heads? What a great lesson, thanks for the little faith boost?
I feel worse for those who die this way more than my own frustration. How come Christians always only focus on those who "made it"? I lost my father to cancer a few years ago, and I still cling to this belief: I wish I could do it for him. His suffering was a lot worse than mine. After he passed, I always get saddened by the fact that my friends prayed for ME. I didn't need help, I was perfectly fine, my father was the one who needed help. Why him? Why the elementary school kids?
Please feel free to correct me. I so need to be corrected and convinced.


You say if there was no suffering, we'd have no Free Will and be like Robots.

Since there will be no Suffering in Heaven, are we gonna have no Free Will and be like Robots there?

Many blame suffering on the devil and say it's a consequence of evil and sin which is required for Free Will to exist. But, didn't Eve have Free Will to choose to Obey or Disobey God and eat from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil before the fall?

Since Evil and Sin are required to fulfill God's plan for creation, why does He hold it against us?
