Please don't waste your life

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Do less, not more. Refuse to take part in the rat race. Happiness comes with freedom, not more work, more debt and more obligations.

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There’s always going to be the people in the comment section saying “oh easy for you to say. I have to pay for X, Y, Z”

No. Most of us could live for less. But most of us aren’t willing to give up having a car and insurance to have a bike. Most of us want our 7 streaming platforms for which pay a sub fee for. Most of us bought the nice house and now have a hefty mortgage. We all trap ourselves thinking we need everything Joe smoe has. We pay for “comforts” that ultimately don’t comfort us from our real issues.


Im tired of being a slave to the system .
Now decluttering my life .Looking forward to investing in living my life .
Simplicity is freedom .


"You do a work you hate, to buy things you don't need, to impress people you don't like" -Some wise guy


I studied for 8 years, burned out completely, no energy, anxiety rose every day, stress, feeling lost.. . Two months later I decided fuck it all, and decided to be an author for the next 6 months. Have dreamed about writing a book my whole life. Finally I'm doing it. And if it doesn't end up bringing income, hey, at least I gave my dream a chance and fed my soul ❤


The cheaper your pleasures, the richer you'll be.


"I sure wish I spent more time at the office."
-Said literally no one ever at the dusk of their lives


True wealth is not having more, but wanting less.


I spent 32 years with a man that never bought anything except a used vehicle here and there. If it wasn't free, he didn't need it. I couldn't understand why someone wouldn't want to buy and have nice things. We had nice things people gave us or I bought myself but, now I get it. He didn't need them to be happy, his family, friends, and way of life satisfied him. He didn't need things, he was a simple man. I would trade all of my unnecessary things, for a small home in the Country where I could grow my own food, raise some chickens, etc., and be one with nature. If I knew then, what I know now, I would have done things much differently.


"For our greediness, much is little; For our needs, a little is a lot."
- Seneca


Sold my flat, bought a tiny house with a big property next to a beautiful lake inland in norway.
I can grow my own vegetables, fish in the lake, chop my own firewood. I've got no neighbours, clean air, clean well-water, and when I sit on the veranda I can only hear birdsong. No cars, no traffic noise, no sirens. No industrial sounds. At night I can see stars clearly, there is no light-pollution.
My mental health went from depressed, miserable, and horrible to great. I'm at peace. I can touch grass barefeet in the morning, feel the morning dew. I can go for a swim without taking the car, bus or train to get to water. And I can do so nude because there is no people around. In a year I've had close encounters with deer, moose, foxes, badgers, hedgehogs, squirrels, wild game, ravens, eagles and every snake, frog and insect we have. Not on the TV. With my own eyes, up close.
It's absolute freedom. And its wonderful.
It took me years of work, preparation, savings. But the value is immeasurable.


Not caring about what other people think of you is a super power.


"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."


I live in the UK, and whilst down sizing your life is definitely something that can lead to less work and less focus on work in some areas of the country, it's REALLY hard to fully simplify life here. Cities are cheaper than countryside. Housing is astronomical everywhere, and planning rules are so severe that your ability to buy land and live in a cheap built simple building or tiny house or even a shed are hugely restricted - mostly you'd have to get planning permission for an expensive properly built house to succeed at that.

There's no wild camping allowed in England, and whilst some people do try, your highly likely to have an angry farmer from nearby, or jobs worth dog walker complain about or threaten you and maybe even get the police involved.

My goal would be to have an allotment (like a teeny tiny garden that you can rent for cheap to grow stuff on), but the waiting lists for them are years long and there's none within the 3 mile area that I live.

All in all it's brutally difficult to live a simple life here, I've been happy in the past with no car using cycling, walking and public transport to travel. And I can do without fancy TV channels and treats, even meals out and cinema trips. And I love walking and spending time in nature, which I'm thankful I do at least have access to (many people on low incomes here just aren't able to access nature - it's almost a well off person thing), but I do wish they didn't make it so hard what feels like a normal existence - bit of growing your own food (not self sufficient just supplementing), lots of outdoors, and spending time cooking, chatting, walking, just living, instead of working.

It shouldn't be this hard to do - there's something very wrong with a country when nature becomes accessible for the rich, when you cannot access work without a car because cycling is downright suicidal (in some parts of the country), where basic cheap housing either doesn't exist, or is a rabbit hutch with mould in the middle of a bleak cityscape.


in the words of Marcus Aurelius - When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.


Time becomes more precious, the older one becomes


“To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, subtract things every day.” — Laozi


I'm 19 I have a facial disagreement, people keep judging me and insulting my appearance, what makes me happy is simple things warmth, shelter and food. The only thing I would love in my life is to find friends and a partner to settle down with.

Your videos give me great advice and motivation thank you for uploading. 👍


“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”
― Epictetus


Retired and started downsizing. Feel light and the pain in my heart is gone.


"I think I'm quite ready for another adventure"
B. Baggins
