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It's painful seeing how much fun we lost through out time. Those were the good days man, no combos, no broken devil fruits, just the simple and fun experience. I remember the community was so friendly and helpful back then, especially the high level players, they always try to help farm or carried you through raids. Those players shape me into who I am today. I have sworn to death to never be toxic, never said ez, and always tried to help anyone in my ability. But as times goes on, the good people start disappearing, and it's seems like I'm one the few who is left...


Its crazy to think about how it doesnt matter how nice the game looks or how many fruits there are, its the experiences we had and the memories we make that left us with the biggest impression.


It's so tragic to see how much we have evolved in this deary world of enojoyment, happiness, drama, sadness combined to create a enity.
We will miss the old days where we dropped our fun in the chests of our heart.


Update 8 had me getting every single old friend that used to play blox fruits gather together and we all went to the new world together and its still one of the best memories in my life


I met my own online friend group through blox fruit, they changed my life so much. I was a jerk back then, there was no third sea and I mostly trolled and be toxic every fight because it was fun. I got into a crew and it changed me. We spent time on discord and enormous games while voice chatting. It was a good time, people grow old and we all started drifting apart. 17 of us in the crew, only 6 of us left and still play blox fruit. I miss them.

Blox fruit was my chill place because 17 of us were active, we played random games. Wheter if it's roblox, MC, ow, crab game, and any multiplayer games existed. How good old times.

Ps. It was early 2021


The thing is, back then just sailing on a boat with your friends in the first sea, going from islands to islands to fight players using basic fruits like chop and spike- it all felt so special. I remember I was playing with two of my friends and we saw a person using the control fruit back in early 2020 and we were so impressed by it that we started treating the guy like a god or something. The game was just so simple back then that we got to make so many memories in the first sea.


Thanks for remembering me the things that I done back in the daysI was a noob while I watching I was start to cry thanks for everything man 😭😭


This brings back memories when i first played blox fruit i was young and dumb at that time and didn't know much but still enjoyed it These days there is just bounty hunters and toxic people i also wish just as a-lot of other people to turn back time to the good old days.


even though i wasn't here for the old days of blox fruits, it still hurts me to know that so many people had to go through this heartbreak and sorrow of nostalgia. i went through that too, and i'm still pretty sad about losing my favorite games, and the future has so much in store for us. it's actually a kind of scary amount.


Sure, those memories are good. I felt them as well. But in the end we can’t stay in the past, even if blox fruits was to return to what it once was it won’t be fun. We would know everything, everything will be boring. Sure it may be said but it is true, everything has to progress. It’s not the old game you miss, it’s the memories. Who knows? Maybe once we are old we will look back to 2023 and smile knowing that we got to play with our friends and all those people who helped us. And we will feel the memories that we experience today, and I’m excited for what’s to come in the future. It was wonderful.


It was so tragic after losing a lot of fun over the past 4 years it breaks my heart of these nostalgic memories passing by giving me flashbacks to my friend when I was a noob and he gave me a rubber fruit I’ve just hated how things have changed and I wish I could go back in time to enjoy the fun, after all everything has changed with some fruits being removed and never to be seen again.


This video takes me back form the old days for blox fruits it's will be missed with soul and light and raids its makes me missed everything blox fruits has made in 2019


This brings back. Good memories when we all had our first devil fruit and making new friends here I'm so proud on the community on how far they did just to make us all happy those memories will never be forgotten


i remember when the game came out the community was so chill, i meet some pretty nice people during the first update.
i stoped playing the game for a while then the whole atmosphere of the community kinda shifted to hardcore pvp bounty hunting, can never found anyone roleplaying or kind stranger to help out


i remember the inventory. i used to buy a sword and get angry when it didnt save.


It was so good memories 😢 just gotta go different different islands using normal fruts like smoke chop with friends roaming around the sea fighting each other and having fun was soo good memories😢🙂. 'somethings actually are better than being so complicated'🙂


I remember when Control was the most expensive fruit in game 😭


I remember this part of the game, i especially remember buying perm barrier when it came out (still regret it) and being stuck on magma island because of the lack of motivation for over a year. I remember playing with my cousins watching him in 2nd sea and max level was what i always wanted. Then i stopped watching him and time flew by and before i knew it its now today. the nostalgia is real.


I played this game on the first day it came out, but really started getting into it a couple updates later. It genuinely gave off a better vibe than today's Blox Fruits. I just hate how toxic everyone is. The game changed a lot


The old days were fun, but we have made memories back then and they will still be with us. Those days will never disappear without our minds. Continue to progress through the game and conquer those around you, don't be toxic and destroy those who are.
