What is R with cofinite topology?||Is R with finite complement topology compact?

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Let R with cofinite Topology. The R is a?

#cofinite topology,
#what is cofinite topology,
#co-finite topology,
#examples of cofinite topology,
#cofinite topology proof,
#co finite topology,
#every set with the cofinite topology is compact,
#finite complement topology,
#cofinite topology definition,
#cofinite topology in hindi,
#proof of cofinite topology,
#cofinite topology examples,
#cofinite topology with example,
#uncountable set with cofinite topology,
#cofinite topology is compact,
#cofinite topological space

#kolmogorov space,
#t0 space,
#subspace of t1 space is t1 space,
#topological space,
#t0 space in topology,
#t1 space in topology,
#theorems of t1 space,
#example of t0 space which is not t1 space,
#give example of t0 space but not t1 space,
#t1 space,
#separation axioms in topological spaces | t1 space,
#topological spaces,
#sample space,
#t1 space is t0 space,
#t1 space theorem,
#normal space in topology,
#t3 space in topology,
#theorems of t0 space
#topological space,
#topological spaces,
#definition of topological space,
#topology and topological space,
#topological space in urdu,
#define topological space,
#topological space in hindi,
#types of topological space,
#hausdorff topological space,
#concept of topological space,
#topological space definition,
#examples of topological space,
#continuity topological space,
#examples on topological space,
#topological space in mathematic,
#topological sapce
#t1 space,
#t1 space in topology,
#t2 space,t0 space,
#t1 space that is not t2,
#regular space,
#t5 space,
#t1 space in urdu,
#t1 space,
#t1 space in topological space,
#theorems of t1 space,
#t4 space,
#ti space,
#every t1 space is t0 space,
#define t1 space,
#t1 space in topology in hindi,
#t1 space theorem,
#normal space,
#t1 space theorems,
#t1 space is t0 space,
#every finite t1 space is discrete,
#frechet space,
#discrete space,
#hausdroff space,
#techonoff space
hausdorff space,
#t2 space,
#hausdorff space in topological spaces,
#topological space,
#hausdorff space in topology,
#hausdorff topological space,
#t2 space in topology,
#compact hausdorff space,
#metric space is hausdorff space,
#hausdorff space definition,
#every compact hausdorff space is normal,
#space which is not hausdorff,
#hausdorff theorem in metric space,
#hausdorff or t-2 topological space,
#hausdroff space,
#normal space,
#t2 space or hausdorff space
#cofinite topology,
#what is cofinite topology,
#cofinite topology with example,
#co-finite topology,co finite topology,
#every set with the cofinite topology is compact,
#cofinite topology is compact,
#cofinite topology definition,
#cofinite topology proof,
#cofinite topology in hindi,
#finite complement topology,
#cofinite topology on infinite set,
#definition of cofinite topology,
#cofinite topology examples,
#examples of cofinite topology,
#with co-finite topology on it
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