Encore Crash Course - TypeScript Backend Framework & Toolset

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This is a first look and crash course for Encore, which is a backend framework & entire backend toolset with a Rust runtime, API validation, integrated infrastructure, developer dashboard and much more. We will be building a URL shortener service.
Encore Website:
0:00 - Intro
1:29 - Slides
7:41 - Installation & Setup
10:43 - Running Encore & Dev Dashboard
11:40 - Create Your First Endpoint
14:28 - URL Params
15:52 - Query Params
18:55 - Start URL Shortener
20:22 - URL POST Endpoint
23:41 - PostgreSQL & Migration
27:49 - Encore DB Shell
28:50 - URL GET Endpoint
32:41 - Deploy To The Cloud
33:51 - Test Cloud API With CURL
Encore Website:
0:00 - Intro
1:29 - Slides
7:41 - Installation & Setup
10:43 - Running Encore & Dev Dashboard
11:40 - Create Your First Endpoint
14:28 - URL Params
15:52 - Query Params
18:55 - Start URL Shortener
20:22 - URL POST Endpoint
23:41 - PostgreSQL & Migration
27:49 - Encore DB Shell
28:50 - URL GET Endpoint
32:41 - Deploy To The Cloud
33:51 - Test Cloud API With CURL
Encore Crash Course - TypeScript Backend Framework & Toolset
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