Monica Granados & Lily Zhao - How Frictionless Data can help you grease your data

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I think we have all been subject to other people’s data - the frustration and the disappointment that follows when we determine that the data is unusable. The Frictionless Data initiative at Open Knowledge Foundation aims to reduce friction in working with data, with a goal to make it effortless to transport data among different tools and platforms for further analysis, and with an emphasis on reproducible research and open data. As inaugural Reproducible Research Fellows of the program, we will demonstrate how we have applied the principles and tools of Frictionless Data to our own research data on the octopus trade and open access bibliometric data to make our data more reusable by others. This talk is aimed at all data wranglers, and along the way we will talk about our experience in the fellowship, what were some difficulties, and about our triumphs.