Quick tan removal routine! ☀️ #tanremoving #ad

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Achieve naturally glowing, brighter, and hydrated skin with Jovees DeTan Range. ☀️

This convenient and budget-friendly collection includes the best face wash and scrub for glowing skin, effectively addressing sun tan, pigmentation, tan lines, and sunburn. Enjoy an even skin tone and radiance with Jovees herbal formulations. Highly recommended for all skin types.

This range is infused with rose petal, carrot seed extracts, wheat germ, aloe Vera and lot more natural ingredients.

Buy now from Flipkart or Jovees Website

#JoveesHerbal #DeTanRoutine #GlowingSkin #SunTan #Pigmentation #BestFaceWash #Skincare #Jovees #FaceWashReview #FaceWashResults
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