Do Spoilers Spoil Movies? (Spoiler Alert Yes and No)

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Since you’re watching this video, clearly you’re interested in talking movies on the internet. And if that’s the case, you’ve almost certainly run into the on-going discussion over spoilers.

- Do spoilers ruin the movie?
- If spoilers ruin movies then why do you keep rewatching your favorite movie?

Before we begin talking about spoilers I just want to tell you in advance, in this video I will be talking about spoilers for

- Empire Strikes Back
- The Force Awakens
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Seven
- The Sixth Sense

I will give you a heads up right before I say spoil a film, but this is the official spoiler alert.


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Great video and I agree 110%
I was reading comments and it said that Han Solo died, so I was spoiled of that but I still love the force awakens, probably your best video, keep it up man!


great topic! I totally agree about spoilers in a trailer one example was don't breath where it shows something in the trailer but thank goodness I didn't see it before I watched the movie and saw that trailer and heard what people were talking about so yes trailers can definitely take that excitement away so you have to be careful with some like comedy to scary especially! thanks so much for your video really enjoyed it!


Yeah, it's tough these days with the internet. Age of Ultron got spoiled for me in a way similar to what you said about TFA. Ironically, I didn't have TFA spoiled for me (beyond cryptically hearing second hand "Someone ends up dying"). My sister, brother and I actually waited in the car until the last possible moment to go into the theater as to not hear any exiting movie goers discussing the film. lol Good times.

I guess I'm about a 5. I try to stay away from spoilers, but I watch all the trailers of a film. I don't consider those "spoilers". ( I do draw the line at "clips" though. Unless they're part of a talk show with a guest.) In some ways Trailers can spoil as you said. I kinda feel I already saw the funniest parts of Suicide Squad from the trailers.


I understand when everyone spoiled Han Solo's death before I saw Force Awakens I was like WHAT?. The internet has spectacularly contributed to spoilers. However when I first saw Avatar I avoided spoilers and new nothing and it was AMAZING. Great video.


Great video and I completely agree with you. I recently watched "The Whole Truth" with Keanu Reeves. Knew nothing about it, and gave it a shot, and it was a solid film. After, I watched the trailer, and had I seen it first I wouldn't have watched the movie because it gave away the only major plot twist. I loved how the "Star Wars: Force Awakens" trailers showcased the content without giving the story away.


So, I hate spoilers because I agree that they rob you of the potential of an amazing movie experience and I think that way even about trailers that give you to much imagery or script. Its all about the impact of the first experience.


I didn't know about The Sixth Sense's twist going in. I wasn't aware of the movie till I got it for Christmas when I was twelve.


It's different from movie to movie for me. Some movies I will seek out details and some I avoid trailers like the plague. I have had numerous initial movie and tv experiences ruined by overstuffed trailers or inconsiderate people. Even though the quality of a movie never changes your initial experience will always color how you view a film upon later viewings...or at least it does for me. I rant all the time about how some tv shows (TWD and GOT) have such a huge following that if you don't see an episode as it is first aired it's nearly impossible to avoid spoilers.


You make a good point with rewetting movies. What's your take on "guilty pleasure films?" I don't believe in them, and I did a radio piece on guilty pleasure films on my channel. Good stuff, man.


I seen the old Star Wars movies when I was a kid. My friend told me about the famous twist but it didn't bother me in fact I didn't know it was a twist for years.


I'm probably at a 6 when it comes to spoilers, sometimes higher and sometimes lower. I would say I'm sometimes too curious for my own good. Infinity War was partially spoiled for me, but I actually didn't know as much as I thought. Same with Endgame, actually.


Dude, when I think of this topic, I think of something someone told me.

“You can’t punish a movie for someone spoiling it.”

wait that was you-


On Force Awakens one review said they loved the opening crawl and a guy claimed he had spoiled the opening crawl. That's where it becomes nonsense. Epic moments obviously shouldnt be revealed but it gets out of control


They won't be surprised by the plot twists in Star Wars because it is that much a part of our culture. They will know going in what happens, my kids already knew plot twists and I showed it to them at 9 and 10.

I think there is a certain point where you shouldn't have to worry about accidentally saying spoilers for a movie, because if they weren't interested enough in the movie to see it in a reasonable amount of time, than they probably weren't worried about spoilers.


I think the people responsible for putting trailers together these days are far worse than movie reviewers when it comes to spoilers. Did I have to know the twist about John Connor before I saw Terminator 5? Absolutely not.

Also, I think there needs to be some sort of statute of limitations when it comes to talking about movies. I think a year is more than enough time.

What bothers me the most however is the toxic wasteland of social media when it comes to bigger releases. I'll be hiding from the internet when we get closer to the release of Star Wars Episode 8. 😜


Only things I don't like are when the trailer shows too much and people online telling spoilers about the story and plot twists.


The 2nd or third trailer of Batman v Superman spoiled each act, story flow, twists (not like they had any), and then it spoiled big reveals like Doomsday. I hated that trailer, lol! I don't like spoilers I like the journey. I also like good trailers so it's a catch 22. But I usually stop watching trailers after the 1st official trailer. I'll watch the teaser then the trailer. Though, with my channel I usually watch all the trailers. Which is always scary for me.


Spoilerphobia makes me crazy. There are a few epic moments we shouldn't spoil but for the most part people complaining about spoilers stifles discussion so you can't talk about films. I just dont understand why everything needs to be a surprise. So many reviews are bland because people cant talk about what they like or dont like due to spoiler concerns. I dont actively look for spoilers but the spoilerphobia irriates me more than being spoiled. I'm a 3 I guess


Im gonna watch the movie 5 times too catch what i missed the 1st time


someone spoiled avengers endgame for me and im at a 10! I almost broke my keyboard:(
