Why are there 3 distinct styles of stonework in ancient Peru? #ancientcivilization #history

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Hi Ben,

Sincerely, there are at least 8 distinct levels of stone work in Peru.
1. The megalithic polygonal "Pillow Blocks" with chamfered corners and bulges. Likely "cultured" Ex.Sacsayhuaman (the is also a variation of this as seen in Cusco, chamfered and bulging faces, yet even rectangular courses)
2. An imitation of the former, much smaller stone, some polygonal but not as extreme, the stones are only fitted tight a few inches in, and are typically a two faced with rubble and clay filled core. Seen throughout Cusco.
3. Dry laid roughly fitted natural stone. Much of the Inca agricultural terraces.
4. Extremely well fitted cut stone, rectangular, even courses, much like modern European style stone work. Seen mainly at Tiawanaku.
5. Megalithic floors, gates, and H-blocks, rectangular in fitment, likely cultured stone. Seen at Puma Punku into Tiawanku.
6.Spanish Mortared construction.
7. There also some random polished and exetremely well machine remnants of granite slabs, found randomly, seemingly repurposed by later cultures. Not fitting the crude stone pits they cover.
8. The dry laid round stone aquaduct well points near Nasca.
There is also the dry laid stone work of the "Cloud People", probably unique enough for its own class.
Also the round "french drain" foundations of the pillow blocks.

That's off the cuff, I probably missed a few. (I know Tiawanku is Boliva, but the site crosses the border)

Love your work Sir.


Same in Egypt. The older it gets, the better, more accurate and more impressive it becomes


They worshipped the stone, and slowly regressed over time... When you direct generations of focus, finesse and time on a specific belief system, you are seeing what is possible. I have seen these, and it is awe inspiring, wander around the upper mountains of Cusco for a couple of days near Tambomachay and you'll see more than just these well known sites, it will blow your mind. Puma Punku is by far the most mysterious...


Exactly, how anyone could miss the SUPER HIGH TECHNESS of the Original Megolithic Builders, is unbelievable. Anyone with any basic knowledge of what it takes to Create these Magnificent, Cyclopial, Polygonal, Structures, on the Tops of these Mountain's will attest to the Geniousness of this lost Worldwide Megolithic Society.


Love it, can't wait to visit one day


I watched a show discussing the following. The ancient celts apparently had a prosperous sea trade including that with Carthage. There is archeological, genetic, and some technological evidence that when Rome invaded Carthage, a group of (Carthageans?) fled to a Celtic port in France (or Spain?). Apparently the Celts already knew of the Americas well before the Norse. Anyway, a combined group of Carthagean and Celts sailed across from Africa to land in South America. Then, they sailed up the Amazon river. This is support by the fact some tools have been found like a (bronze?) axe with Celtic symbology. Eventually they made it across to Peru where tons of evidence is found around
Chachapoyas. Stuff like light complected people with red hair with genetics linked to the celts. Sling weapons unique to Carthage warfare and not other local tribes, and apparently the buildings constructed are a perfect blend of the layout of the Celtic port/city they departed with Carthagean joint work.


I would love to be able to remote view and see who actually did the megalithic work—and how. I’ve been a mason for nearly 30 years and it warps my mind every time I see those massive mortarless stones. Beyond incredible. It’s ridiculous to think the same culture did all that work


Most likely they have people from NASA running the show.
I mean they managed to loose technology to go to the moon in less than 60 years.
But on the serious note I really hope that we will find those answers with in our life time.
We need more people like yourself, Graham, Randal, Christopher and others grat researchers to get to the bottom of the human story and our past.
Keep the great work.


What's your take on the nazca mummies that came back into a focus with the uap hearings and claims?


A fellow American I kept bumping into as we both traveled across Peru on more or less the same itinerary calls the top layer of comparatively unsophisticated stone "the Incan's 'shady subcontractor period." His point being that if the same Inca culture did, in fact, use all three build all the structures despite the differing styles, maybe the degradation in quality is explained by the Inca contracting out the last parts of the construction to unqualified, unlicensed labor. A joke, obviously, but still a better explanation than the academia's current one of, "uh, well...the Inca just kind of forgot how to do the good stone work. You know, a few decades past and this incredible, civilization-defining knowledge just didn't get passed down to the next generation. "




I like how everyone has their own opinions and ideas as to where things originated. Of course, none of them are right, and none of them are wrong.


I suggest you try to pinpoint a written record about the transportation of this Thunder Stone that is published during or right around the event that took place.
Please advise me of any books from this time because I have not been able to find anything but much later records.


If you had the opportunity would you go back in time or forward


That huge mountain looks like a face when you turn it sideways


Though not as large and grandiose, the polygonal masonry is just as impressive as the work done Egypt


Is Alex Dunn on social media Ben? I want to ask him some questions. Appreciate the help.


Have you been to Lalibela? I searched your vids but didn't see anything on it.


The Inca found the megalithic stone work & built on top with smaller stone.
Huge stones are 6000yr old.
Brien Forester.


With the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.
