try! Swift Tokyo 2024 - Macro testing

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Macros are little compiler plugins that allow us to extend the Swift language in ways that do not require going through Swift evolution, or waiting for a Swift core team member to implement the feature, or require us learning C++ so that we can try implementing the feature ourselves. It is an incredibly powerful new feature, but can also be incredibly complex to get right. Let's explore how to debug and test every aspect of macros, from the code they expand to, to the errors and warnings and fix-its they emit.

Speaker: Stephen Celis, Brandon Williams

try! Swift Tokyo Conference 2024 - try! Swift Tokyo is back!
Developers from all over the world gather for tips and tricks and the latest case studies of development using Swift.
Developers from all over the world will gather here.
Swift and to showcase our Swift knowledge and skills, and to collaborate with each other, The event will be held for three days from March 22 - 24, 2024!

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