ICStation.com WS2812 Ring Turned Into An Analog Clock With ESP8266

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In this video I show you a LED ring with 24 WS2812s. As a test I show fancy colors with arduino nano and then go on and make simple analog clock with ESP8266. Clock will get it's time from NTP server, no need to set time manually.

Simple source code with comments:
Not the prettiest code, doesn't include error handling and there are SO MUCH more to improve. But hey... It's a start, feel free to use that as a template and modify it to fit your needs.

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"ICStation 24 Particles WS2812 5050 RGB LED Circular Lamp" $7.59 (Check up-to-date time from their website):

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Thanks for your awesome video for the colorful LED! : )


There are issues with setting the correct time zone... It pulls the UT only. Guidance on coding of the correct zone is needed.


I've been having trouble using the esp8266, i am using an arduino uno to program the esp, but I don't get any response when I type in commands in the serial monitor. I am curious about the resistors that you have on your esp8266
