Ryze is okay, but not exciting || design hot take #shorts

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#shorts #LeagueofLegends
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I quite literally forgot to record a grade for four videos, and by the time I realized I didn't want to have to go back and change the scripts again, so here we are. Let me know if you want the grades back, I guess!

For the record, Ryze's grade is a depressed single dad in a wizard hat.


I wish Brand was updated for him to interact with Ryze.


Ryze can't save Runeterra alone, he needs the power of friendship.


The only memorable Ryze experience I had was when they teleported me into the middle of the enemy team. I was a kog'maw. We lost but we had a good laugh.


I kinda like how athletic he is. Like, he is a bald blue mage with a bushy beard but also he's always shirtless


Personally, I love his design. Especially after they released the Ryze cinematic, where they showcase the emotion and power he needs to fulfill his task. It really shows in his lowkey design. I like to think that the blue skin and his tattoos are all a result of meddling with the power of the world runes, which somehow corrupted his body into something that isn't 100% human anymore. His mind however wasn't altered or affected, resulting in him still being to fulfill that task, despite his body constantly changing (Also, his body being altered slowly is a dumb lore explanation for his reworks, but yeah....)


He wouldn't bring any trinkets. As Ryze says, that'll only be "more things to carry". He wouldn't have any battle scars as he's probably just a few orders of magnitude of power below the watchers as despite Ryze not getting tempted by the World Rune/s he's carrying, it seeped its way into Ryze's body and magic due to exposure to it for decades. This is why even though he doesn't use the runes, his magic is Rune magic. Despite being a normal human, he's 200 years old or so. He's probably so strong that only those that can threaten entire nations/continents are the only real threat to him, as World Runes are a planetary level threat because they can destroy the world. Like it or not, he basically has the power of at least one World Rune just for being in close proximity to one for so long. World Rune level power or close to it is rare, that's why people seek the World Runes in the first place. Therefore, Ryze has mostly no problem dealing with most enemies.


I think that him not having any artifacts is actually the better design choice. Shows how little he cares about everything other than his task.
He doesn't need any reminders from the places he went to, he is just there to do his job.

But that's just my opinion...


If Riot would continue to make animated series then I would LOVE one about Ryze. I could just imagine him meeting other champions and have little stories with them. I do hope they would make his design have some magical trinkets or souvenirs from his travels and I think Ryze with a pistol from Bilgewater would just be a funny idea


oh the rune wars were a really important and interesting plot point before Riot decided that focusing exclusively on the Ionian wars and Viego's Vendetta would be 90%of the plot for the next 5 years.


Ryze is so fine that TBskyen didn't even to rate him, damn


Ryze totally strikes me as a man focused on his task without an ounce of room for distractions, i doubt he would be the type to collect trinkets but that’s just me


Rating is Thanos's character in a DnD campaing.


I love his design, it's simpliciy, yet ''originality'' (again blue skin, beard, and random clothes). I don't think he need that much (Scars or something in the same array could be great yeah).

If someone understand what word I meant by array, I would be pleased if you could tell me, I swore I knew a kinda similar word meant what I want to say, but can't find it, so here we go... a r r a y.


I feel like if Ryze had scars on his body, it'd over complicate the design and make it look too busy. He's suppose to have all these runic tattoos on him, and scars would make it hard to distinguish what's a scar, and what's a tattoo. Maybe if you were to get into super detailed work that isn't limited to how league needs to portray their characters, then maybe more scars, and more trinkets, and whatnot would be an awesome addition to him.


his grade should have been his less than 40% winrate


"He's got Runes, and he knows not to use them!"
"Runeterra goes crazy for a half-dressed man."


I actually really like Ryze's simplicity, to me he's a good base for all the weird character designs in league


Ryze is just straight up the protagonist of Runeterra and you can't tell me otherwise


He can't get scarred, he will literally disintegrate you.
