Linkin Park - Resolution (Official Audio)

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From Zero | The New Album | Available November 15th

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Somehow those long sections without vocals are so impactful. The fact that Chester's vocals are absent. It gives such an empty feeling, like I'm thinking "Something is supposed to be there, but it's gone." Really makes me sad, but I think it's cool that Chester had such an impact in that way. Usually it's his presence in a song that really pulls at your soul, but he had so much impact that the complete absence of his vocals pulls even harder.


That emptiness where you know Chester was supposed to be there, but just isn't. It hits pretty hard.


I'm sure any real Linkin Park fans can tell where Chester's vocals were supposed to come in and I love the fact that they decided to keep those parts just empty without any vocals and just the instrumentals are there, this shows that Chester is irreplaceable. BIG respect to Chester and everyone in Linkin Park.


I’ve got goosebumps, when I’ve heard chorus with no vocal…
Rest In Peace, Chester.
Thanks to Mike and whole band for those songs.


He's singing the chorus from the other side. We just have to listen with our heart


Everyone commenting about the obvious missing vocals from Chester in this song just rings even louder the reason why we are all very much needed in this world. For anyone struggling with depression and thoughts of leaving this world much too soon... PLEASE remember that there are those out there that love and care about you. You would leave a huge void in this world, as obvious to those around you, as Chester's missing vocals in this song. I love you all. Stay safe. Stay strong. Thank you Mike and the LP gang for releasing this. We all needed it.


Just imagine if this song had Chester singing a chorus


This one is bittersweet since you can tell there's giant Chester pieces missing in this song. <3 </3 Can't believe it's been 20 years since Meteora. Thank you for these releases.


Fact: This was the final version of The Wizard Song. This shows how much they experimented with their sound.


How melancholic it is to listen to this semi-empty song, but part of me loves it. I love how my brain and heart can fill in those phantom choruses and I can literally hear Chester sing endless possibilities to fill in. I love You Linkin Park.


It’s the wizard song ... I’m speechless. The music is beautiful, really sad it’s unfinished, and it’s even more sad it is impossible to finish it with Chester gone 🥺😢😭


If you really are a fan, all you have to do is close your eyes and Chester`s vocals will come by themselves. God, I got tears in my eyes. RIP Chester and thank you Linkin Park for releasing this. Thank you for doing something for the fans, the ones that still have a hope in their hearts that we`ll hear you live once again.


Sometimes the hardest thing to hear, is silence. And these long sections without Chester singing is so powerful and so painful. Absolutely incredible.


The haunting nature of the this track just hits me. The lack of Chesters voice really adds to it as well. 😢


I'm just gonna leave a comment every video so i'm reminded of this wonderful time when linkin park released an entire unofficial album one bright morning out of nowhere


Damn you can tell this song isn't complete, but I'm still super excited they released it anyway. You can just imagine Chester's voice and imagine what the lyrics are supposed to be. It gives everyone their own story.


So beautiful. Thank you for doing this for all of us fans. You don’t know how much most of us needed this.


This is Mike’s message to Chester as he went through all the stages of grief and not in order as it affected others’ lives. I think there was a powerful duality, contrast and compliment between Chester and Mike and seeing them live brought 2 frontmen that pulled their own weight and energy. The hard guitar and piano make this a pleasure and pain song going into the depths of resentment, pain, confusion, sadness and trying to move onwards.


This hurts to listen to. I'm imagining the vocals that are supposed to be there, and it gives me chills. It's such a beautiful song and weighs heavy on the soul. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say we are very thankful for you guys releasing these songs. I'm sure it means a lot to the band, and it means a lot to us, too.


The best gift for my birthday, from my favorite band, hearing again the music that has always remained in my heart.
