Fine Tuning Spiritual Alignment Day 83 of 365 Days of Remembering

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Fine tuning spiritual alignment is what we are being called to in the midst of the current outer circumstances. This is an opportunity for us Spiritually Conscious Beings to take stock. To see how we are measuring up honestly to how we believed we have been doing prior to these events. This is a chance for us to experience a test and see how we are able to stay in alignment, balance and focus in ways that keep us feeling good and aligned. It is also a time to be very aware of what is influencing us and to tighten up around that, to keep us clean and clear in our chosen vibration of feeling good. Like a washcloth being wrung out we find ourselves emptying and surrendering more within this circumstance. We can also reframe everything with awareness of our beliefs and create a story that feels best to us. I share the one I am creating.
Fine Tuning Spiritual Alignment Day 83 of 365 Days of Remembering
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