Collibra: Ashish Haruray - Policy Management

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“Collibra Jump Start!” Learn important strategies on how to organize, identify quick hitters, and establish Data Governance Organization maturity under the guidance of Ashish Haruray, Solution Partner with Knowledgent and Collibra certified ranger.

This video will direct you through the fourth 'Quick Hitter' you can implement on a fast turnaround basis: Policy Management

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0:00 All right, so the next topic is Policy Management. This is where you make your data policies actionable, so data privacy, data security, data integrity. As of now they are not just nice to have, they are required, they are mandatory. Without implementing the right data policies across your organization you can’t expect trust in your data governance program, and especially in a changing regulatory environment.

0:29 Even the best policies will fail to make an impact if their logic and rules are not easily discoverable. What I mean by that is if your policies reside in a spreadsheet, or in a document somewhere that nobody can easily access, it’s very hard to expect people to adhere to those policies, but if you have your policies defined in a tool, for example in Collibra Policy Management, everybody who has access to can see what those policies are, and what those policies mean, and what domains they impact.

1:03 It’s very important that the business rules and policies can be maintained, and it’s not something that can be assumed to created once and then live forever, because we know that regulatory deployments change. With that you need to update your policies, you need to create new policies, and you need a central place where you can manage all your policies. Collibra Policy Manager helps you create, review, and update your data policies as their adopted, and enforced across your organization.

1:35 You have automated workflow that will allow data users to design and implement policies for your data, and you can enforce them consistently, and update them as the need be. With a workflow management for example, you understand how those data policies, when the new data policies come into place what workflow … What approval cycle that they have to go through. When you define your business terms, the business terms that are related to the policies provide you a very powerful mechanism where you can assess the impact.

2:12 For example, if a policy needs to change what business terms are going to be affected by that? When business terms are affected there is technical metadata that’s associated that is impacted as well. It provides you a great lineage, especially when you are assessing impacts of policies.
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