Piping Plover - Cutest Ever (Best viewed in 4k mode)

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2021-04-03. Every Spring Piping Plovers arrive in New England beaches to mate and have off springs. They are endangered species thus National park beaches with Plovers are off limits. On other beaches their beach nesting areas are fenced off from people and dogs or sometimes gulls. Another of baby Piping Plover video is
#pipingplovers #shorebirds #wildlife #bird #birding #birdphotography #wildlifephotography #birds
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So I have been obsessed w/birds since I was 9. I just got married in Cape May NJ which my husband kept it a secret till we got there that Cape May is one of National Geographic's #1 bird watching Capitals in the USA. I ...correction; "we", (he just wanted to see my face light up like xmas everyday like a great husband should)spent every single day at that bird sanctuary near the Cape May lighthouse. I was like a small child. I told him I would've lived in a box underneath the hawk&eagle look out deck (that was practically 2 or 3 levels and AMAZING) in a box for the rest of our eternity and be super happy just being a bird Nerd watching beach bum lol! The ONLY BIRD I WANTED TO SEE SO SO SO SO BAD AND I NEVER DID WAS THE PIPING PLOVER🙄...even tho we SPENT AN ADDITIONAL WK THERE BC HE COULDN'T PULL ME AWAY FROM THOSE BIRDS!!! I'm far from spoiled, trust me. I just think (and trust me it is a hard hard choice bc "EVERYONE IS SO CUTE". My husband loves how I reference animals to "everyone", "those ppl are so nice", "did u feed everybody outside?", before we go to sleep. Those PIPING PLOVERS ... hands down...cutest bird ever in the history of the universe or A.D. or B.C. I don't care what time frame your speaking of ...those plovers are UNBELIEVABLE. They dont look real bc they're so cute, perfect, &tiny. &don't even get me started on the lil babies
🤗😗😘😍😊😚!!! Mind blowing 🤯tiny angels of above 😇. The cutest as my mom would say, "critter", that the GOOD ONE (up there) ever CREATED. That is why we as humans need to start helping mother nature. It used to be, "dont intervene w/animals in the wild". We intervened when we just decided it was ok to build NASA their home land, or pave roads, or build houses, or FISH. I haven't ate meat in 32 yrs. But I did eat fish. No mammals I used to tell my classmates. Bc they'd get confused. But truthfully, I'd never eat a frog. I even got out of dissecting them in HS when my main president Bill...passed a bill...that u could not fail a kid for not wanting to cut an animal open. That got passed, just in time for, "this girl"! I didn't kill "anybody"& got an A. I did have a great report too. We have killdeer in PA mostly in spring &summer. They HAVE TO BE Such close relatives of the PIPING PLOVERS?!? Their babies are even of equal cuteness!
Have a great day everyone! Keep watching birds...their "Natures soundtrack"! (Just imagine the awkward dead silence of no birds singing...itd be like going into a store w/the store music broken. 🐦🐥🐣😇


Hyatt Curtis has became Deceased from cuteness


No Complaints to Anybody ... Obeying Nature's Law with Satisfaction...Salute...Hats off to You...We Human Beings Very Small In Front of You...


They don't hop like sparrows, rather they walk fast.


You could work for National Geographic! These photos/videos are wonderful.


Guess they didn't seen the Disney short film yet


It's "piping" like it's name 😁😁


What do you want to tell us Form this video I don't understand, ,,mamey, thanx, , Lala Pakistani


What was he doing at the end

looked like he was hunting for something

he put his foot in the sand wiggled it

then grabbed something infront of where he wiggled his foot 🙋‍♀️
