Alcor Cryonics Video Tour

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Last month I had the privilege of visiting Max More at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation. Alcor is a non-profit organization founded in 1972 and located in Scottsdale, Arizona. It is the world leader in cryonics, cryonics research, and cryonics technology. [Cryonics is the science of using ultra-cold temperature to preserve human life with the intent of restoring good health when technology becomes available to do so.]
During our visit CEO Dr. More walked us through the Alcor facilities as well as the process starting after clinical death is proclaimed, through the cooling of the body and its vitrification, and ending in long term storage.
Alcor Cryonics Video Tour
Inside a cryonics facility preserving terminally-ill people (and pets) to wake up in the future
Companies such as Alcor Foundation can preserve your body in a process known as Cryonics.
Inside the US lab freezing the dead at -196C - BBC REEL
A look inside an Arizona cryogenics facility freezing bodies for the future
This Company Freezes Dead People, Hoping to Bring Them Back to Life
How the World’s 4 Cryogenics Companies Actually Work
Cryonics: Chilling into the future
History of Cryonics Shorts Series: Part 1
Cryonics Chronicles Inside the Frozen in Time Facility | Alcor preserves the bodies
Cryonics at a Crossroads: A Tour of ALCOR Life Extension Foundation
Storing dead people at -196°C
Can cryonics let dead people live again?
My Video Tour of Alcor and Interview with CEO Max More
Cryonic freezing: What is the process that could bring us back from the dead?
Alcor Cryonics Neuro Patients #shorts
Andy Zawacki Gives Us A Tour of the Cryonics Institute
Cryonics: Alcor FAQ # 12: What Happens to the Soul After Cryopreservation?
Alcor Life Extension Foundation: Cryonics / Cryopreservation is Real
Cryonics - Life Extension (Alcor)
Cryonics: Alcor FAQ # 8: Doesn't the Brain Die After 4 to 6 Minutes Without Oxygen?
Cryonics: Alcor FAQ #10: Aren't Cryonics Patients Dead?
Cryonics: Alcor FAQ # 3: Is Cryonics 'Cheating Death'?
Can You Cryogenically Freeze Yourself and cheat death? How does human cryonics work? Back to life