Apartment Leasing Agent Training | 12 Things You MUST Learn Now!

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#ApartmentLeasingAgentTraining #ApartmentLeasingAgent #LeasingAgentTraining

Lease 7X More Apartments in less time with less effort. Leasing University is simple, easy to understand and available on-demand from any device.
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This video covers:
- Apartment Leasing Agent Training
- How to be an apartment leasing agent
- What skills do you need to be a leasing agent?
- How do I become a certified apartment leasing agent?
- What do apartment leasing agents do?
- Is being a leasing agent a good job?

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Please comment NOW!!!! I will reply in 2 minutes or less - Matt


I just started about a month ago with my job as a leasing agent and it’s my first time ever doing this. But I’ve been watching your videos every single day and it’s already helped me so much! I listen to your videos on my way to work and walk into my job feeling so confident and prepared. Thank you!!!!


Hi Matt, Thank you for sharing! The last Leasing Consultant was stomped after you stated you're coming down. Your tone appeared as though you were in a hurry, so she deserves a B- considering. You actually sound like a secret shopper or in a hurry. Most trainers are mindful of their tone during these experiments and understand unless rehearsed, some callers may be missed due to staffing structure. A prospect would not be happy with an agent who says "come on down" to discover nothing is available for the next 60 days. Please make a video on how to guide a conversation when your leasing schedule is booked but a prospect is headed to the leasing office without a set budget. Best,


I have been doing lessing for lasts so many years, but watching Matt, this video reminds me of the mistakes I made and lost the deals. I am confident that if I follow his 12 points I can make every deal a win deal.


Dude, you are absolutely amazing! You bring up so many good points. Many leasing consultants don't ask the right questions or take the time to get to know you or your needs. This is CRUCIAL because you could be wasting your time, or the clients time if you don't have a full picture view.


Thank you! I am coming from MLM and decided to become a leasing agent, and you gave some great info! Especially with the phones, and you already know MLM is all about the phones I am going to KILL in this. Super excited!


I have been working in the apartment industry for 22 years. I love your content and I have been watching these with my leasing staff. Thank you. Can't wait to start using these suggestions and testing them on it too.


Omg! I hope you never call me to be tested😅 I am so glad for your time to educate us how to become a good professional lease agent.


I’m actually interested in switching into Property Management with an education background, and I have a grad school degree in business. I feel like with you, I could become what I need to be successful initially and so on. This video right here shows it! You call attention to those minute details, that can really sale people, and get them invested, leaving that mark on them to want more!


I’m taking the 12 tips from Matt and applying them to my new career!!! I’ll be back to let you know how this goes!


This is excellent! Been leasing apts for over 20 years and I must say this is the best. I needed to watch this video. I'll share this with my upper management. Excellent!


🩵🩵🩵Switching from Thrive communities LLC to Prime residential property management! LOVE LOVE LOVE leasing and helping families 💦


Such a great video, did you call back those communities later to let them know you weren’t coming?


I'm an 18 year old young woman, I'm going to take a leasing 101 course in my area, I'm also thinking about taking something from your Leasing University, I love how willing you are to put out FREE info out here and I can't imagine what your program holds!! I'll be applying your binder method for my interviews & all of the call structure for my future prospects! Thank you


I’m new to being a leasing agent and you gave excellent advice


Wow this is interesting, watching this before I start my new job and just coming into the field. Looking at this as a renter, I would be annoyed by all these questions, all you need to know is my budget, how many bedrooms I want and when I want to move in lol…. Can’t wait to look back at this once I get into the field to see how my opinion changes.


This helped so much I have an interview coming up and I wanted to learn from having the job already thank you so much for you video 💥


Absolutely golden information. Thank you so much


Wow this video is pure fucking value. Love this, definitely going to look up leasing university. Just followed you on IG as well


I appreciate this video, thank you so much. I am beginning training in a few weeks and so happy I know the details of a leasing agent. This gives me confidence and hope ❤
