Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource Spring

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Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource Spring

*************************** spring boot error
Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured.
Reason: Failed to determine a suitable driver class

How do you resolve failed to configure a DataSource URL attribute is not specified and no embedded DataSource could be configured?
You need to configure the database driver and the JDBC connection properties to fix this exception Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured.

How does Spring Boot define DataSource?
Spring Boot provides a very good support to create a DataSource for Database. We need not write any extra code to create a DataSource in Spring Boot. Just adding the dependencies and doing the configuration details is enough to create a DataSource and connect the Database.

How do you set up a DataSource?
You can configure as many data sources as you require.

Run the ODBC Data Source Administrator provided on Windows. ...
Select the User DSN or the System DSN tab, depending on your requirements, and click Add. ...
Select the Ingres driver and click Finish. ...
Fill in the necessary fields in the Ingres ODBC Administrator.

How do you create a DataSource in Java?
To create and deploy a DataSource object, you need to perform these tasks: Create an instance of the appropriate DataSource implementation. Set the properties of the DataSource object. Register the object with the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) naming service.

How do I know if my spring boot is connected to a database?

How do you configure a DataSource in spring?
To configure your own DataSource , define a @Bean of that type in your configuration. Spring Boot reuses your DataSource anywhere one is required, including database initialization. If you need to externalize some settings, you can bind your DataSource to the environment (see “Section 25.8.
The easiest way to test the database connection from Spring boot is to start the application and by checking to debug logs.

Updating the Spring Boot Project Step by Step

Step 1 - Add a Dependency for Your Database Connector to pom. xml. ...
Step 3 - Setup Your MySQL Database. ...
Step 4 - Configure Your Connection to Your Database. ...
Step 5 - Restart and You Are Ready!

What is connection pool in spring boot?

The default connection pool in Spring Boot 2 is HikariCP. It provides enterprise-ready features and better performance. HikariCP is a JDBC DataSource implementation that provides a connection pooling mechanism. If the HikariCP is present on the classpath, the Spring Boot automatically configures it.

How do you handle a spring boot exception?
Exception Handler

The @ExceptionHandler is an annotation used to handle the specific exceptions and sending the custom responses to the client. Define a class that extends the RuntimeException class. You can define the @ExceptionHandler method to handle the exceptions as shown.
How do I use custom DataSource in spring boot?
To configure your own DataSource , define a @Bean of that type in your configuration. Spring Boot reuses your DataSource anywhere one is required, including database initialization. If you need to externalize some settings, you can bind your DataSource to the environment (see “Section 24.8.

How do I use multiple DataSource in spring boot?

Which database is best for spring boot?
MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL document database that uses a JSON-like schema instead of traditional table-based relational data. Spring Boot offers several conveniences for working with MongoDB, including the spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb 'Starter'.
So, to use multiple data sources, we need to declare multiple beans with different mappings within Spring's application context. The configuration for the data sources must look like this: spring: datasource: todos: url: ... username:

What is @autowired annotation in spring boot?
The @Autowired annotation provides more fine-grained control over where and how autowiring

How do I change my default server in spring boot?
Spring Boot Change Port

The Spring Boot framework provides the default embedded server (Tomcat) to run the Spring Boot application. ...
We recommend you to use the application. ...
Similarly, we can also change the default port by using a yml file. ...
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omg thank you so much . I was so desperate for 1 day til I found this video :D


Was your port default: 8080 but in is set to server.port=8081?


Sir ask, i use JPA and i configuration with package META-INF -> persistence.xml . if i use your solve, how about this package?
