DIY AYURVEDIC HAIR OIL FOR MASSIVE HAIR GROWTH: Use 2 to 3 times a week for extreme hair growth

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For all your hair and scalp needs!
Hey Curl Friends! In this video I’ll be showing you how to make an Ayurvedic hair oil for extreme hair growth and length retention. The herbs in conjunction with one another combat various scalp issues such as dandruff, flakiness, inflammation - while strengthening your hair shafts and follicles and providing essential nutrients for hair growth.
➸ This can be used as a leave-in, or as a weekly hot oil treatment, a sealant, or as a pre-poo.
⇢NOTE: I used Avocado oil as my base oil, not only because of its AMAZING benefits, but also because it's one of those oils that not only acts as a sealant but also as a penetrating oil. THIS IS MAJOR KEY ALERT!
⇢If you wish to substitute any of the oils for Coconut oil, please be careful with the quantity because it will solidify when you store it in a "cool" environment, thus compromising the integrity of the oil.
➸ This is my natural hair growth routine and how I grew my hair to tailbone length.
It’s never too late to start your natural hair journey and I’m ROOTING FOR YOU!
I get most of my Herbs from a South-Asian Grocer BUT you can also find them at your convenience at:
: : W A T C H N E X T : :
✩C O N N E C T W I T H ME✩
➸ S U B S C R I B E
➸ L I K E
➸ S H A R E
::..M Y C H A N N E L..::
I’ll be sharing with you my favourite hair care treatments predominantly based in Ayurveda.
Remedies and Regimens will combat hair loss, balding, alopecia, premature greying, thin hair, and scalp issues such as dandruff, itchiness and dryness.
Ayurveda, Ayurvedic herbs, Ayurveda hair care, hibiscus powder, hibiscus for hair growth, Ayurveda for hair growth, Ayurveda for hair loss, hair growth tips, natural hair loss remedies, alma for hair growth, brahmi for hair growth, aloe for hair growth, aloe vera, bhringaraj for hair growth, moringa for hair growth, shikakai for hair growth, ashwagandha for hair growth, henna for hair growth, natural henna, fenugreek for hair growth, fenugreek hair mask, Ayurvedic hair mask, Ayurvedic treatments for hair, fenugreek for hair loss, length retention, how to grow natural hair, how to grow natural hair fast, India’s hair growth secret, ancient remedies for hair loss, natural remedies for dry hair, natural remedies for itchy scalp, natural remedies for dry hair, natural remedies for dandruff, how to grow long hair, how to grow healthy hair, hair growth secrets, long natural hair, tail bone length hair, natural long hair routine, type 3 hair routine, Ayurvedic hair oil for hair growth and retention, DIY hair growth oil, henna for hair growth, green tea for hair growth, nettle for hair growth, horsetail for hair growth, neem for hair growth, extreme hair growth
For all your hair and scalp needs!
Hey Curl Friends! In this video I’ll be showing you how to make an Ayurvedic hair oil for extreme hair growth and length retention. The herbs in conjunction with one another combat various scalp issues such as dandruff, flakiness, inflammation - while strengthening your hair shafts and follicles and providing essential nutrients for hair growth.
➸ This can be used as a leave-in, or as a weekly hot oil treatment, a sealant, or as a pre-poo.
⇢NOTE: I used Avocado oil as my base oil, not only because of its AMAZING benefits, but also because it's one of those oils that not only acts as a sealant but also as a penetrating oil. THIS IS MAJOR KEY ALERT!
⇢If you wish to substitute any of the oils for Coconut oil, please be careful with the quantity because it will solidify when you store it in a "cool" environment, thus compromising the integrity of the oil.
➸ This is my natural hair growth routine and how I grew my hair to tailbone length.
It’s never too late to start your natural hair journey and I’m ROOTING FOR YOU!
I get most of my Herbs from a South-Asian Grocer BUT you can also find them at your convenience at:
: : W A T C H N E X T : :
✩C O N N E C T W I T H ME✩
➸ S U B S C R I B E
➸ L I K E
➸ S H A R E
::..M Y C H A N N E L..::
I’ll be sharing with you my favourite hair care treatments predominantly based in Ayurveda.
Remedies and Regimens will combat hair loss, balding, alopecia, premature greying, thin hair, and scalp issues such as dandruff, itchiness and dryness.
Ayurveda, Ayurvedic herbs, Ayurveda hair care, hibiscus powder, hibiscus for hair growth, Ayurveda for hair growth, Ayurveda for hair loss, hair growth tips, natural hair loss remedies, alma for hair growth, brahmi for hair growth, aloe for hair growth, aloe vera, bhringaraj for hair growth, moringa for hair growth, shikakai for hair growth, ashwagandha for hair growth, henna for hair growth, natural henna, fenugreek for hair growth, fenugreek hair mask, Ayurvedic hair mask, Ayurvedic treatments for hair, fenugreek for hair loss, length retention, how to grow natural hair, how to grow natural hair fast, India’s hair growth secret, ancient remedies for hair loss, natural remedies for dry hair, natural remedies for itchy scalp, natural remedies for dry hair, natural remedies for dandruff, how to grow long hair, how to grow healthy hair, hair growth secrets, long natural hair, tail bone length hair, natural long hair routine, type 3 hair routine, Ayurvedic hair oil for hair growth and retention, DIY hair growth oil, henna for hair growth, green tea for hair growth, nettle for hair growth, horsetail for hair growth, neem for hair growth, extreme hair growth