Ireland Marks 100 Years Since 1916 Easter Rising

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Ireland is preparing to mark the centenary of the Easter Rising against British rule amid fears of an upsurge in dissident republican violence.

The Irish President has told Sky News he does not believe it is dangerous to commemorate the past and that it is "useless... to effect some kind of amnesia".

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Glory to those brave courageous warriors who willingly gave their lives for a true and beautiful cause. They will NOT EVER be forgotten.


Arlene foster can say what she wants but when her people go around burning their neighbors flag, killing catholics and causing unrest it makes her opinion very hard to swallow and frankly quite void of any legitimate statement


Imagine fighting a war and risking your life for the freedom of your country just for a politician to say 100 years later that "It wasn't necessary"


Things will never change until Ireland is free


I think it is unfair to call the 1916 Easter Rising a failed rebellion and to say the British crushed the rebellion because from then on each generation continues to without fear
carry out a stronger revolution.


The successful Irish war of independence 1919 - 1921 began in the stone breakers yard in 1916, A war where almost the entire Irish nation turned their anger on the occupiers and drove them out. Sky would have the viewers of this believe that Britain gave into peaceful political pleading after 1916 rather than the fact that massive regions of Ireland were no longer under British control by 1921, Irish forces had taken them back by force, we had installed our own laws and military police even our own courts. Hard to believe the British are still trying to control the narrative of a conflict they lost 100 years ago.


"Violence is the only thing the Brits understand"


So Bastille Day, July 4th, Guy Fawkes Day etc. etc. should all be forgotten because they commemorate violent episodes in history?


Disappointing journalism from Sky News. Failed to get at the true nature of the Easter Uprising. Too much concern on the troubles in Northern Ireland, where the Easter Rising was not a significant motivator to the causes of the Troubles. It may have been an episode of violence but more than anything it was a sacrifice of a group of people who hoped for a better future. The brutal violence protruding the Rising was mainly conducted by the British government much like so much violence before and after this episode on the island of Ireland. Britain needs to be humble in their revision of history and make amends for their mistakes. Too long have they shifted the blame on to others.


I am Irish and the things that British did to us back then is terrible


I think any analysis of 1916 must acknowledge that on three occasions the UK partliment failed to enact home rule legislation. In 1913 the British authority facilitated the open importation of arms and the formation of the UVF. It was clear the nationalism had attempted democracy westmisinster style and justice for Ireland was alien to that parliament. England's imperial war in Europe was not our concern. Our patriots used this opportunity to strike for freedom.


Very bad reporting. Very unethical. Very filtered and poorly edited. Do modern Britons not feel a small bit of shame for all the troubel they have been part of causing with all there land grabbing.


John burton does not speak on behalf of ireland he should go live in britain with his owners


Irish World War One soldiers were forgotten about just because they fought for the British empire.


We have a remarkable history but Ireland didnt begin in 1916 and we have an amazing history that goes back thousands of years even before Newgrange, we have been Farmers, Astronomers, Warriors, Fishermen, Foresters, and in more recent times Artists, Musicians, Poets, Philosophers, so i say lets celebrate that also instead of having a limited view of our own country and thats exactly what the likes of Padraig Pearse would have wanted.


These men were heroes like those who surrounded Boston and fought on Bunker Hill to fight for liberty and the idea that all are created equal and are born with unalienable rights. The truth that our American founding fathers held to be self evident. I am a proud American of Irish descent!


God Save Ireland Cried The Hero's God Save Ireland Say We All


And meanwhile in 1913, the Ulster Volunteers were founded. Armed by German weapons. And let do so by the British government. With the express aim of genocide. 1916 didn’t happen in a vacuum.


2016 is a good year to return the last six counties to Ireland to the Irish peacefully.


But the REAL anniversary would be the 24th April ! The Easter Rising began on 24th April 1916.
