NO MORE Insomnia - Relaxing Music with Rain Sounds to Relieve Stress,Anxiety&Depression [Deep Sleep]

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NO MORE Insomnia - Relaxing Music with Rain Sounds to Relieve Stress, Anxiety & Depression [Deep Sleep]

Video made by: Moose

📜 How was your day?

My today is here to create these tunes, sounds. Music is indispensable in this life. I will be very happy if my music helps you become happy, forget about worries in life.

Listen to my music to relax, meditate, study, read, massage, spa or sleep. This type of music is ideal to combat anxiety, stress or insomnia as it facilitates relaxation and helps us to get rid of bad vibrations.

Don't forget to give me 1 like and 1 subscribe because it's completely free. This will be the motivation for me to constantly create useful music for this life.

Follow me here:

Hope you always have happy and beautiful days.

© Copyright:
‣ Animation create by Moose
‣ All right reserved and published by moopiano ♪
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I dont know who you are or what history you’ve came from but I just want you to know that you are loved and at the end of the day even if you feel depressed or sad. There’s always gonna be somebody that will help you. and life is like a book you might be in a hard chapter and there might be an even harder chapter. But you’ll never get past it unless you keep reading.


My Dad died at the ripe old age of 91 just this past Saturday 09/07/2024. Trying to sleep. Miss him.


The lofi community is the safest place on YouTube, im sure. I don't want much, I just want the person reading this to be healthy, happy, and loved. Wishing you a good day my friend.


Not only did this help my insomnia. It made me wish I was a kid again riding in the car while my parents drove and I fell asleep in the rain to music. Ah the good ol times. Miss the childhood


To everyone doing their homework, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus.

To everyone who is trying to sleep, leave the chat, grab a blanket, and get the rest you deserve.

To everyone who is sad, grab a snack, have some water, get a blanket, and write down your thoughts. When you're done, lay down and get some rest, no matter the time.

To everyone who is creating, you got this. Your creation looks terrific. Remain in your flow and get stuff done!

These are not my words but spread them and copy paste
good luck


Tonight, amidst these wonderful melodies, I believe that somewhere out there, people are finding peace. Wherever you are, I wish you a day filled with joy and happiness.


My little brother just recently graduated and I'm listening to this remembering when I graduated 12 years ago. I'm 29 currently and my lil brother is 17. It shocks me even after a few days of his graduation on how fast the time went...I remember when I was his age and wearing the same gown and cap he was wearing since we both graduated from the same high school. It's bringing a tear to my eye on how fast he grew up and seeing him graduate and finish a super long chapter in his life. I remember when I would fall asleep in my dad or moms car when it was a long ride. I remember having fun memories with my dad or with my mom when we went camping or when we were just at home. I remember having people come over and enjoying the times. I honestly wish it could be that way again it gets rather lonely here sometimes but such is life. It's the small memories and things you have to cherish while they are there or else you will regret never being able to relive them in your mind. I'm grateful that even though they are in the past that they happened.


I don't know why, I don't know how but when I started listening to this and read the comments. I felt My whole life was just like the rain, always flowing, never ending. I felt so infinitesimally small yet so big all at the same time that it brought ne back to the times when I was 5-7 when I attended my quiet little elementary school in the forests of Truckee. A time when I couldn't even speak beyond babbles and yet when I came back to view in my home, in reno at age 15 I broke down into tears. You see, my aunt, grandpa, and friend all died in the span of a week when I was 8 and ever since then I have been fighting depression as I contended with school and my own internal self-loathing for myself. I always thought of people to be lower than me yet I always thought myself to be so weak in conparison to everyone I wanted to die and throw myself aside like a broken piece of scrap. Yet no matter how many times I tried to take my own life I was either to terrified of what might become of my family and my friends if I died. What might become of everyone I knew if I died. So it was almost like god was there being right behind me and hugging me close whispering sweet nothings of life becoming something more in life if I powered on, never dying. All I am trying to say is this: No matter ehat you are fighting, Cancer, Drugs, Abuse, violence, wars, grief, break ups, or anything else you are always more than what you seem. There is always a purpose for why you are alive, a purpose for why you exist, a For why you meet who you meet and what becomes of those relationships. There is always something you must do and if you haven't completed it all when you face Death's humble abode you feel a sort of enptiness. Like your purpose was never fulfilled. Now trust me when I tell you, I have experienced all this before. Violence, abuse, grief, break ups. The whole schabang. But I always find the whole timeline of my life.... Fulfilling. I doubt I have much to say about this, considering I have faced death more times than I have been alive but never give up. Someday you'll find something you have always wanted yet never asked for. A lover, success, fulfillment, kindness, compassion everything. I have found it all before and even though I have been through 3 relationships where all of them didn't care about me or just used me for clout I have bever once strayed from my dreams. I have never once lost sight of what I want: a family and a legacy, a legacy where all will remeber me throughout time, as someone who blazed the trail towards peace and happiness for all those who need it. I know it sounds cliché because it is. However even though the Marines call beckons me I have always wished that I lived in a world where I was needed for simpler things. Simpler things such as running a store. Or helping my child with homework, or being by my wife's side when she needs me most. But I have never once been permitted those simple lovelies of life. Death has always been a constant companion and duty has always been a thing that steels my will to fight on. I have tried and failed to get my happy ending, and this may sound depressing but I have never been allowed to find, peace, love, a family, and even a place to call home where I don't have to worry about people breaking down my door because my views have been deemed "not allowed" but the only thing I can find that'll grant me at least pride and fulfillment, is in the line of duty as a Marine Medic. I have always dreamed of serving the people and making this world so much better but I know that that dream will never be a world I'll be able to enjoy myself. Everyone will be running around coming home to their wives and daughters or coming back to their parents to recount the day in lustrous brilliance however I will never be able to have a wife to come home to vent my frustrations or a child to enjoy playtime with. Such things have seemingly Forbidden to me. Like my purpose is to die in the line of duty with no descendants to listen to, with a twinkle of amazement in their eyes as they see their father in a way that I could never see myself in. I know this comment has been very depressing and people are probably going to call me dramatic or attention seeking but I don't care whether or not people see this comment, read it, like it or reply to it. It doesn't matter to me. What does is that my story is heard so many nore can at least try to steer their lives in a way that will open up many more doors for them. Doors of love, of hope.... Of family. That is what I really want in the end. For people to be happy where I cannot. I thank anyone who has cared to take time to read this and I pray that you have an incredible day/week/month/Year/decade and century


Yo busco estos videos pero no para dormir, , si no porque padezco de ansiedad y depresión y esto me tranquiliza mucho cuando lo escucho, , y a que chico solitario no le gusta caminar bajo la lluvia, , hay que seguir adelante y bendiciones para todas las personitas que vienen aquí por la misma razón, , Diosito los bendiga ❤❤❤❤


I've been using this for sleep lately because I developed Bronchitis and I cannot lay down in my bed because of how painful it is to lay down, causing me to have no other choice but to sleep on my computer chair for the past 5 days and most likely will have to do so for another month or 2. my chair has become my bed, and even though I wake up multiple times a night, I am eternally grateful to turn this on, put it on loop and just... relax and sleep... thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making this


If you're seeing this, I hope you sleep well... And may you have the sweetest of dreams little star child...~ 😊 ❤


Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you dont feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day! :)


Чувство чего-то родного, будто бы из детства, так успокаивает и погружает в теплые воспоминания


To everyone who's studying with this music:

• A bottle of water, at least 1 litre. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate
• Your charger. You sometimes don't even notice that your device's battery is going down, so you better have it plugged in all the time
• Your headphones. You can focus more with headphones because they block background noises. Also, if it's a late-night study session, you won't wake up anyone
• a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.
• Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone, a few pens, paper or whatever you need.
•Anything else you could need, what about a heating pad, a blanket, a good lamp, and your pet so you have a study buddy (if you have one)

Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it's cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me.

You could also lie on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that's even better than listening to music while reading the book.

I hope y'all had a good day, if not, that's okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight

(Not mine, but copy-paste it around! Hope this helps!)


I imagine I'm on a train in the rain moving along on the tracks going nowhere in a private cabin with a cozy bed. Puts me to sleep in minutes.


This popped up on my home page and saved it. Been listening to this for about 40 minutes, absolutely love it. Will listen to more of these!


If you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true! 💓


God please give the person reading this the healing their life needs right now.


I lost everything in this past 4 years😣
No words can describe 🥲
Since then I have never slept one night peacefully or without overthinking 😣
I just needed this music therapy to fall asleep.


I love these types of relaxing music videos, with the rain. If you are trying to sleep, then close your eyes, take deep breaths in and out.
